Lynxone Vs Delta 1010.. ?


New member
okily doakily here it is..

its come down to these 2 cards.. The lynxone which ive heard so much about and the Delta 1010, not the delta 1010lt...

Now what do yall think about both of these cards? Any card outperform the other in any area's..? Are they both the same? What about dollar per worth value? Is the delta 1010 better because it houses its converters ina break out box.? Or is the lynxone better for using the advanced chipset ive read about..?

Tell me what yall think its down to these two for my new addition to my home studio..

i now use a soundblaster and i fair pretty well with it.. you can listen to some demos here

ive gotten better over time, I still need work but jumping in soundcards I feel will also help me drastically with these 2 in mind..

plz any feedback would be more then appreciated.. Anything else let me know.. Enjoy
I've read on one site the Lynxone is 20bit, on another its 24bit, so I cant say on that, however, Ive used the delta 1010, and I wasnt real happy with it, its nice, but Im sure you can do better with the Lynx.
the delta isn't in the same league as the lynx stuff

think of the delta series as a career minor leaguer

while the lynxone is in the big leagues maybe not an every day player but definitly useful

for an everday big league player you gotta go lynxtwo and up....