Low Input Level!!!


New member

I'm using an M Audio Duo-Audiosport USB stand alone unit as an interface for the Mac G.3 laptop i just bought from my friend. I'm just gettin' to know Cubase, which was already on the computer. (I've used pro-tools some) Anyhoo- my problem is that my signal is extremely low no matter what I try!

I'm just now setting this thing up, so it may be that i'm overlooking some really obvious problem.

Other than the master + track trims is there anywhere to control the level of signal comin' in?

It just doesn't seem right that i'd need to crank not one, but two different pre amps to get a noticeable read out on my levels......

Any advice?

I feel like there's gotta be something i'm overlooking here!!!

Thanks very very much

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the max levels are specified in windows own sound settings. So you need to go to windows volume panel and go to preferences. there you switch the box to recording/input and press ok. make sure that the input channels you use are checked before pressing ok.
Now you can adjust the line level...

if this doesn't work then are you sure you are using the line level at all and not the mic input?

and what gear is it you want to record? a mic through a preamp?
well a preamp will usually make it line level, so be sure to use the line input in that case... more info needed if the most obvious doesn't work :)
low levels continued

Thanks Chris

Well---to clarify,

1)I'm not using windows! I'm using Mac OS 9.1, I'll take a look when i get home to see if there is an equivalent control for volume control--I didn't see one, but again i'm new to Macs...I was looking all throughout Cubase but didn't go into my Mac system apps (except checking my drivers)

2)As far as what I'm recording, some things will be direct, some mic'éd. I tried all variables though----even plugging an extra preamp in. My levels have to be maxed, on the trims and line out of my pre's to get the tiniest signal!

So I'll poke around the Mac system stuff when I get home. I had assumed those controls where for internal monitoring, vol levels for audio already on the hard drive, as versus stuff being imported through the USB, as I'm doing.

Thanks again,

M Arghhh-Dio!

I think I have some sort of installation problem!

I can't get my sound control panels to recognize my Audio Duo drivers as the relevant ins & outs!

Has anybody used ASOII Drivers on a Cubase VST/32 5.0?

I've installed M Audio & Cubase knows it''s there (I get an error message when i remove the unit) Unfortunately, it won't seem to configure itself the right way, and I don't know how to fix it!

One possible problem:

The previous owner was using a Tascam U-428 as an interface and the system was configured to meet this units drivers. I removed all the U-428 stuff and re-installed the M Audio, but still...


Man, i'm starting to lose it here......

Any help


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