Low cost delay/reverb stompbox?

Mr. Kristopher

New member
I have been using a Boss Digital Delay (DD5?) for about 2 years now. I now feel that the repeats are too sharp sounding (it sounds like I'm using a delay, not like I'm playing in a cave or whatever) and I wish to buy a new delay/reverb petal for under $200. I really like echo that washes over me, something that sounds overwhelming, like I'm in a cave or some big reverberating church or whatever, but not something that sounds fake. Any suggestions?
I could build you one for 200 bucks. If you dont like it, you could send it back to me. But I know you will like it.

to build pedals you need knowledge of electronics, reading schematics, soldering, etc...the casings I use are from Frys electronics. They have a few different casings for projects. I could show you a picture if you like. I would go try the line6 pedal at your local music store, it seems like a good thing, althouh I've never heard it myself.

How can you make me a pedal? Can you put whatever knobs I wanted on it (tone rolloff, etc.)? How do you get the casing for the pedal? How could I learn how to build stuff like that? :)
I went the the ehx.com site, the only delay/reverb petal they have is the deluxe memory man, which costs almost $300. Is it worth it? I've downloaded the sample .mp3 files but haven't been able to listen to them yet.
The new line6 modeling delay pedal....you get 16 different types of delays...analog, digital,tape,14second sampling...tap tempo,user writeablity.and it sounds good,I beleve the cost is 249.00.I dont own one have tried it in the store with a guitar...would be interesting to use on vocals [crude sampling]flying them around with the trigger pedal