Loudness war?? I win!

F_cksia said:
I´m definitely not against hard-limiting loudness for some types of music. Metal couldn´t do without it for example.

Maybe. But most metal does with far, far more of it than it needs.
eyeteeth said:
Someone tell me this thread is in jest and I simply missed it...
I seriously hope that this entire thread is of a 100% satirical nature. It's my impression at least.
LogicDeLuxe said:
I seriously hope that this entire thread is of a 100% satirical nature. It's my impression at least.
You serious?! :eek:
This is one of the most informative threads Ive read in the 3 years Ive been part of this community.
that's awesome! Keep the square wave mixes rolling! Anything that pisses off "good" engineers is great in my book! Mine are pretty bad too! lol
legionserial said:
Maybe. But most metal does with far, far more of it than it needs.

I sleep with white noise at 125dB blasting into my ears! I eat blown speakers with my wheaties (yum)! Square waves are much cooler looking than boring old smooth ones, come on...don't you have any asthetic sensabilities? I want to frame those screenshots on there and put them on my studio wall! hahahaha LOUDER! FUCKING LOUDER! We should invent a new type of wave called a kvlt wave or maybe a grim wave. Square waves are simply just not loud enough any more! We can make it happen if we try, if we try my friend.