Lost some memory


New member
Hey there ~ anyone got some suggestions about regaining memory?... my BR1600CD lost 70 hours of available memory :confused: I had 97 hours remaining (of the original 120) and it dropped to 27. Fortunatley it didnt lose any song data. So theres still enough left to finish current songs. I optimised all the songs after this but that only regained me 9 minutes :( .
One thing different I had done was load in 4 drum loops from a loop CD a friend gave me. These loops were fine until I used any of the Boss factory loaded MAudio loops with them (of the same tempo). When I did that the MAudio loops would lose the right side of their stereo field. I also got random highpitch squeaks. The song I was working on at the time of the memory loss did not have these suspect loops in it's arrangement. Apart from this glitch I'm happy with the machine overall.
Frambo said:
Hey there ~ anyone got some suggestions about regaining memory?... my BR1600CD lost 70 hours of available memory :confused: I had 97 hours remaining (of the original 120) and it dropped to 27. Fortunatley it didnt lose any song data. So theres still enough left to finish current songs. I optimised all the songs after this but that only regained me 9 minutes :( .
One thing different I had done was load in 4 drum loops from a loop CD a friend gave me. These loops were fine until I used any of the Boss factory loaded MAudio loops with them (of the same tempo). When I did that the MAudio loops would lose the right side of their stereo field. I also got random highpitch squeaks. The song I was working on at the time of the memory loss did not have these suspect loops in it's arrangement. Apart from this glitch I'm happy with the machine overall.


How do find out how many hours you have left of recordable memory data???????
On the screen at the bottom left it should say 'REM' and show how many hours and minutes of recording time remains. You can go into the Ultility and select the 'System' menu and page down til you see 'Remain' ~ you can select your remaining memory to be displayed as Time; Megabytes; or %. I prefer 'Time'.
By the way, thanks for the MP3 advice you put on another thread. :)
Frambo said:
On the screen at the bottom left it should say 'REM' and show how many hours and minutes of recording time remains. By the way, thanks for the MP3 advice you put on another thread. :)

Thanx Frambo, I can see REM on my screen. I never really noticed it there before!
My turn to thank you!
You are welcome in regards to the mp3 help! :)