Lost In Eternity [Instrumental]


New member
So yeah, this is a beat I made in FL Studios and mixed in Protools. There's a bit of high end rumble on the lead, as well as some clicking in the kick.. All problems I aim on fixing in the final mix, but what do you guys think of this version? I honestly think it sounds awesome! I boosted my drums (Kick, Snare) as well as my bass, but cut everything else. A little compression here and there, tad bit of reverb (though I raped one instrument with it :o ) aaaand a master limiter on the master bus which i intend on taking off once i decide to record some vocals.

Soooo... what do ya think..?
Hey billy i listen to a bit of music here just for the hell of it sometimes, and this is the third all electronic piece in a row i clicked on which is sort of odd, but i'll throw in a comment anyway.

When you say beat i suppose this will have a rap vocal. It's probably just a matter of personal taste, but the whole thing seemed a bit light-on and raw, unless you were going for the ultra-minimalist approach. Can't say i was totally taken with your choice of drum sounds either, again, pretty minimal and sparse. I sort of got the Lost in eternity feel i think you were looking for, given the title, but the synths all sounded raw and small instead of massive and spacious and stretching into infinity, i'd definitely look at trying to make it a bit more ambient and spacey with those sounds, maybe more variety too.

I guess all the levels in the mix sounded ok, nothing really seemed way off to me. I can see you've used a limiter on the master by looking at the soundcloud 'waveform' - you could probably lighten up on that a bit. The white noise at the end was just plain nasty....:D The whole thing might sound totally different depending on the vocal too, so take all that with a grain of salt - just my opinion... and i don't hate rap/hiphop/electro.
If his is the only review I get for this track, that'd be ok! This was a great read, and you definitely opened my eyes to a few things without being too critical.
I'm pretty much a beginner in sound engineering, as well as beat making. I feel like I'm headed in the right direction with this thing though.
My intentions are to make simplistic beats that I can rap on.. for now anyways. I still got a lot to learn, and my PC's processer can only handle but so many synths before everything gets all choppy :( .
But dude, youre awesome for this review! The fact that you actually took time out to listen and try to vibe with it really means a lot.
No worries man, glad you got something out of it. But if your comp. is glitching on too many VST's try bouncing them down to audio files to mix with to lighten up the CPU load, it should help. If you made the beat in FL and mixed in protools, didn't you export from FL as .wav anyway? Or does beat mean just drums?
Yeah, I exported them as Wavs, but I fear me tweaking something, bouncing it, and then not being able to retweak the tweak later on.