Losing You--Feedback and help

I've listened to this a couple of times and I get what you're saying about it missing something. It's a really good song with a nice arrangement and the vocal performance is good. Perhaps the style calls for more of an intimate vocal treatment. Maybe a little more compression/warmer eq on the vocal? Or maybe just bringing it up in the mix just a tiny bit will help. Maybe a few more harmonies here and there?
Your extraneous mouth noises (breaths, lip smacks) are really loud. I would edit them out or cut back the compression on the vox.

I might cut the compression on the vox a little regardless; they're really sitting on top of the mix now.
So, I liked the vocal where it sat, honestly, but yeah, the lead vocal could use some editing to clean up those little annoyances, and a bit of pitch work right where it does that little slide at the start of the chorus (IIRC).

That rhythm guitar backbeat could be used a little more, I don't know, artfully, I guess. It's there right at the start and goes on and on.

Biggest problem for me was there's really a few parts where it just kind of crumbles rhythmically, both with syncs of the background vocals - which you should be able to clean up with a little work, but when it does those reprises toward the end 3:15+ it's way too loose IMO. And, it goes on much longer than it needs to for me - seems like it did for you too, the way it ended!

With all that, I'd like to hear it tightened up and shortened. It's a pretty little song.
Sounds good. It's well on the way. Commenting on the songwriting, the song starts out very nicely but loses something in the chorus. I wasn't believing the last couple of lines. I would be looking to strengthen my chorus, make it hookier, and find more elegant transition at the end.
The song should be opened up a little bit more, so try panning some of the instruments more to the side. As others have mentioned, clean up the vocals. The instruments themselves sound fantastic, as well as your composition. Nice work!
Very nice. Maybe could use a more active bass line walking around to liven things up a bit? Not a muddy bass but something with definition. May be my system but I'm hearing very little bass and what is there just sort of lives on the fundamental?