Loose Screws (Tight Ass)


10lbs.of sh*t in 5lb.BAG
New Shopvacblowjob is finally here. I know that most of you will turn it off at the 10 second mark but whatever. SVBJ has always streached boundaries and if you kill it too soon you could miss something. All styles of music are incorporated in this project, but mainly Grind/Noisecore/Experimental. Feel free to listen to any of the songs on the page but the latest is

Loose Screws (Tight Ass)

+/- Comments welcome and appretiated.

My friend did the outro blues lead. First take. I gave him the guitar and said, "Here, play something over this." and he did.
This is great. I'm gonna add it to my signature.

It sounds more like a sample of a whole album's worth of songs. I don't try to understand it, but it's still cool. I'll check out some of the other songs.

Badd ass outro, too, for one take!
OK, I'm not going to lie. I don't understand this, and probably never will. But I enjoyed it! I caught the Back To The Future sample, that was cool. I was digging the horror movie soundtrack thing at the outro.

I listened to it twice. I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything else.
Great listen, some real independant thought here. Loved the sloppy guitar part at 1:30.

I thought the mix was great.
Reminds me of Anal blast/Cephilic carnage type shit.

Limbing and mutilated were killler. I'd take that whinny bitch out though. The growls and shit are kool. Keep it sick!

Not really my style of music but the mixing was pretty sweet. I like how you put all those weird sounds in it. I have to say overall I was impressed.
A general thanx to those who replied.

swatsds- Glad you liked it...let your mom hear it and tell me what she thinks. You she the look on my mom's face when I play SVBJ for her...priceless :p

Rokket- I don't understand alot of things considered "art". I think it has something to do with how your senses are assaulted and that "spot" is different for everyone while having the potential for all to experience. Thanx for listening...twice, hope you didn't miss anything. ;)

Phyl- Thanx for the mix comments. There's no bass. I felt it held it's own. Thanx for an open mind.

drstawl- I thought i was gonna have a nosebleed from mixing this. I feel sorry for the neighbors.

Spaztic- By "cool" I'm guessing you liked it, by not replying I'm guessing it wasn't your COT. But then again, your name is implying different,...hhmmmm

livilaNic- The "whinny bitch" lyrics were sort of an experiment. After I did them I couldn't stop laughing at the performance, I felt it brought on a further disturbing contrast to the rest of the song. I can do exclusively sick, ie: ( Kingdome of Disease who have two old songs posted now but has about 8 new ones on deck. New sound and all that.), but I like to experiment with SVBJ, in part to ensure no one does anything quite like it and in part cuz that's what it set out to be. Thanx for listening

pewterbird99- Impressed is as good a comment as you can get. Thank you.
W.I.S.C. said:
A general thanx to those who replied.

swatsds- Glad you liked it...let your mom hear it and tell me what she thinks. You she the look on my mom's face when I play SVBJ for her...priceless :p

Rokket- I don't understand alot of things considered "art". I think it has something to do with how your senses are assaulted and that "spot" is different for everyone while having the potential for all to experience. Thanx for listening...twice, hope you didn't miss anything. ;)

Phyl- Thanx for the mix comments. There's no bass. I felt it held it's own. Thanx for an open mind.

drstawl- I thought i was gonna have a nosebleed from mixing this. I feel sorry for the neighbors.

Spaztic- By "cool" I'm guessing you liked it, by not replying I'm guessing it wasn't your COT. But then again, your name is implying different,...hhmmmm

livilaNic- The "whinny bitch" lyrics were sort of an experiment. After I did them I couldn't stop laughing at the performance, I felt it brought on a further disturbing contrast to the rest of the song. I can do exclusively sick, ie: ( Kingdome of Disease who have two old songs posted now but has about 8 new ones on deck. New sound and all that.), but I like to experiment with SVBJ, in part to ensure no one does anything quite like it and in part cuz that's what it set out to be. Thanx for listening

pewterbird99- Impressed is as good a comment as you can get. Thank you.

Let me rephrase myself.

I thought it was very unique. I like not knowing what to expect next. I am working on "progressive" project myself. I enjoy songs that makes me question if it is music or just random insanity. Of couse there are some dynamic issues I would want to work out but that is just a matter of taste. I like!

Sounds like Primus meets the Devil in a porn movie

Great drums and guitars, very good production.

Cool break.

Good luck with it.


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