Looping with a quadraverb?


New member
I have a Quadraverb 2. It has 5 second delay and 2 second sampling features.

I've recently been wanting to figure out a way to somehow loop a riff I play into the quadraverb so that it will play over and over, and allow me to solo over the top (but not have the solo repeat over and over each bar).

I can use the 5 second delay and make a cool riff and have it loop infinitey, like I want, but when I solo, the input oft he solo loops into the delay and feedsback. To stop this, it would be ideal if there was somehow to freeze the input of the delay, so it bypasses all input, but keeps the delay looping. I do not know of a HOLD command. Whne I press bypass, or advance, it ditches my delay completely (I was hoping the delay would stay in memory and just not have any more input into the delay processor.)

Is there any way to get it so I can play a riff, have it loop infinitey, and then solo over the top? Has anyone succeeded in doing this with the Quadraverb2? I'm wondering if some crazy idea for a path routing or gating or something could tweak the unit into doing what I want.
