Looping Pedals


New member
I am looking for a loop pedal to basically do some live stuff with, nothing too serious, just some fun stuff. I want to basically have a keyboard, guitar, and microphone, and build full songs live, alone, with the loop pedal. I have seen other players do this and it was wonderful, I want to give it a shot myself.

So, the question is, which pedal should I get?

I am looking at the "Boss RC20XL Pedal", anyone have any experience with it?

Any other suggestions?

I cant wait to try these things out. They look like so much fun. Weeeee.
I've had a DigiTech JamMan for a few weeks. It works well and in a live situation I don't think any one will detect any sound degradation even after many layers. It is also a great tool for playing backing tracks. You can put up to 2GB of memory in the thing for an amazing 6.5 HOURS of loops. Out of the box you get about 28 minutes.

I have no experience with any other looping pedals so have nothing to compare it to. I'm pretty happy with the sound and the features.
