Looping Drum Tracks


New member
I am recording drum tracks one at a time, it might not be the best way but its the way im going to have to do it for now. That is; recording the kick, snare, toms, hihat, one at a time separetly each in its own track. My question is it possible to record a measure of lets say the kick on quarter notes then have cool edit pro duplicate it in time for the length of the track which is about 5 minutes, and how would I go about doing it. I new to recording and this would be a big time saver. Sorry if its a stupid question, if someone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
That sounds easy enough! I tried it in the multitrack view but it didnt come out right. So being in edit view will fix that problem? I will try it tonight. Thank you very much for your response. :p
actually...I made a mistake...I should be in multi track view....didnt realize I said edit view.