Looping Delays/Clips Between Repeated Audio Samples: Advice??

Mike Freze

New member
Just bought Reaper and love it compared to Cubase LE I was using.

I am experimenting with creating audio samples from pre-recorded songs. Hope to create my own one day playing my own instruments.

I took the beginning opening drum pattern from The Rolling Stones' "Honky Tonk Woman" and copied/pasted it to a different track. Sounds good (it's only like a half measure segment). When I copy and paste my segment to repeat the pattern in the same track (kind of like looping), I play it all out and it sounds good timing -wise. But every time it goes from the very end of one event and plays the next identical event, there is a slight stop and a brief clip sound between the repeated patterns.

How can I smooth this out? I tried using glue, nudge, but the slight delay and clip is still there between repeated segments.

I also tried using the "toggle/repeat" function on just one event for continuous play. Same thing: each time it goes back to repeat, there's that slight delay and clip when it goes to repeat. Not a lot, but definitely noticeable.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

Mike Freze
Hmmm... Two possibilities. Zoom into the clip. You might see a little fade out swoop at the end. Drag that to the right so it's not there. Another thing you can do is zoom in and trim the end. Do this while holding shift to disable snap to grid. Hope this helps.
Thanks, squibble94! I tried both your ideas but no go. BUT I did find out what will work.

If I copy a segment of a song using "copy loop of selected area of item" and then paste it into a new track, it will work. If I ust use the toggle/repeat button, the same brief stop/click happens. But if I drag the right corner of my one copied item for a long time, it will keep repeated the loop without a flaw. Little upright arrows appear at the bottom of the track each time the loop repeats as far as I want to stretch the track. I can shorten it back by dragging the right end of the track as well to make a shorter loop. Just copying and pasting a short loop as separate segments one after the other doesn't seem to work: still get that weird brief stop/clip for each repeat.

Thanks again!!

Mike Freze
What's beautiful about the dragging out the copied "loop" is that you can change the number of times the loop repeats oin any project without physically going through the hassle of copy/paste to repeat the loop over and over again. Or reverse: drag the right end back and it removes one repeated loop at a time til you're back to the one orignal loop. Those little bottom arrows are great because you can know exactly where to stop your drag to end each repeated loop perfectly. The manual didn't say you could do this but I guess that's where a bit of playing around pays off.

I was going to suggest that you put each copy of the loop in the same track, turn on auto-crossfade, and add extend all the tracks by a little bit to get them to fade into each other.

Bu if your method works, it sounds easier.
Auro-crossfade, mmmmm. Thanks. Never even noticed that option. I'll try it. My other method might be better EXCEPT that what you just suggested might be great if you have different audio samples (clips) following each other in the same track (like to vary drum patterns, add a roll, a symbal, crash, things like that. Of course, one could always use different tracks to add rolls/crashes to blend in with the original track. Will have to experiment with that. Thanks!!

No problem. When I first got Reaper it took me a few months to figure out what all the defaults with fade ins/outs were and why they were messing with my projects! :D

If I can save someone else that hassle, I'm happy to!