Looking for Wharfedale 8.2s in Europe


New member
I'm after a pair of the coveted Wharfedale Diamond Pro 8.2 monitors and wondered if someone could give me details of an online dealer in Europe. UK is fine, or BeNeLux France or Germany would keep shipping down.

I think I remember someone mentioning a European on-line retailer in that big Wharfedale thread. Hopefully someone will answer your question because I would wan't to sift through the entire thread to find it. But, I'm pretty sure you'll get your answer eventually.

You could try locating a dealer through this site: http://www.wharfedale.co.uk/
Scotsman - the other route is to find a hi-fi shop and get the original 8.2 passives with the yellow cones. They are the ones that Massive first recommended here that kind of started the whole W'dale following (they are the ones I have). But they are pretty much discontinued now as consumer speakers and you'll probably get a pair for €100 or so from somebody's overstock if you spend an hour or two checking your local dealers on the web.

Then a nice power amp with the money you've saved and you'll be in a good place :)
Thanks folks; I trawled the 'long thread' and found just two dealers mentioned:


Cost per pair: £250 (€362,14)
Shipping in Europe £25 (€36)


Cost per pair: £250
Shipping: not sure - am awaiting reply to email

equipmentcenter.de as mentioned by fernandoesmaron:

Cost per pair: €360
Shipping: not sure - am awaiting reply to email

So, price-wise, it's pretty much the same across the board. It will come down to shipping cost and friendliness of email responses.