Looking for this specific reverb sound


New member
Hey guys, i'm looking for a specific sounding reverb/effect which can be heard in the following videos:

1) YouTube

In the video above it can be heard 54 seconds in on the high hat/click sound.

2) YouTube

A really similar sound can be heard 15 seconds in.

Any ideas on how to achieve this kind of reverb effect/sound on digital/recorded clicks or high hats? I've tried using hall reverbs of various sorts but nothing seems to sound as pristine and clear (almost digital, not real) as the examples i've shown above.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I think you're referring to the click/chirp sound, not a reverb effect. The voice for this sound could be anything.

Been awhile since I used a synth. I would think you'll need a synthesizer wherein you'll need to play around with different waveforms (sawtooth, probably), and oscillators, and modulators to shape the wave.

That's about all I can offer. I have no synth to work it out on.