Looking for the best Audio Interface / Mixer for me


New member
Hey Guys,

I'm looking to get into music again after a long hiatus. With a full-time job and several credit cards, I'm looking to really have fun with this thing now :D

I record mostly hiphop and some singing vocals. At the most, 2 mic inputs would be needed. Other equipement I have (or will get soon) are a set of M-Audio monitors, AT headphones, AT 2035 mic (looking for a second mic but will do that another time), and looking to buy a keyboard workstation.

In terms of laptop, I'm looking for a new PC with an i3 processor and will be getting a Macbook Pro in a few months (I work at Apple). My budget will get me an MBox 3 at most. I was also considering the Saffire Pro 14.

Thanks guys! Let me know if there's something I can better do!!
Hello APW, thanks for replying. Were there any particular reasons why? One thing I was worried about was finding a PC laptop with firewire.
I was doing this for my sister just before xmas.

and I know little, hmm, maybe not so little any more, about music interfaces.
but I made a small page about it with all the pros and cons for an external solution.

my choice was between the saffire pro 14, the emu 1010 and the tascam us800.

all good in their own way

you can read about my experience and decisions here
hmm does not allow me to post the link - will post 4 more empty responses and then the link.

I ended up going for the Saffire pro 14 - and mys sis is happy with it