Looking for some good Advice from friendly people.


Haven't seen Lloyd
Does anyone know of a helpful webforum where a novice like me can get some advice on home recording by some friendly people?
A musicians website where people are also knowledgeable about home recording. Thanks,
Well, it wasn't that exact site but I did try a cousin of theirs. But they were also less than helpful. I'm thinking that alot of the people who make music do drugs and/or narcotics. They probably shouldn't be near any high voltage sensitive equipment. But I'm willing to press my luck. That is the way I roll.

what a very very very very small dick head

Two to many 'Verys' small dick head. And whatnot.
No one said this can't be fun.
There are lots of relaxing breathing seminars out there. Most are hoaxes but surely there is one that could work.
Seriously though, I am aware that there are alot of very smart competent people here. That is why I stopped by. It is a Forum for Home Recording enthusiasts....I wasn't trying to offend anyone. It was a joke. A pretty obvious one.
It is healthy to laugh. Not healthy to frown. Turkey neck.
Well, sometimes you need your penis licked and there is no one else around but another dude and your dog. And really, a dog eats it's own poop and licks it's own ass. That is nasty.