Looking for some Fizz. (that ocean wave element)


New member
So there is this one acoustic song I'm trying to put together that I'm hoping to somewhat simulate the feel of ocean waves. (two chords on acoustic guitar, starts quietly, surges to higher intensity, withdraws back into quietness, and so on.)

However, even though rhythmically I seem to be getting what I want (wave-wise), I feel like what would really give it something would be an element of "fizz."
Now, not the steady, dead-level fizz of high gain or electronic buzzing,
but what I'm looking for, I guess,
is a kind of washing fizz, that increases in intensity relative to the volume of the guitar-track.
So essentially I would have a "fizzing" effect that drew high, and retreated low with the guitar.

Now, I know this is a vague request, but so far, the people on this board have not only been supremely helpful, but have demonstrated insane skills at deciphering what I seem to be talking about at times.

So plug-ins, advice, recording techniques, anything would be greatly appreciated,
search for doppler, dynamic panning, doppler+dynamic panning

there is also multi-tap delay, there are some delays that provide option of providing filters to suggesive delays

then I'd figure on layering tracks (rather then trying all in one approach)

playing with compression and eq settings on dopplered (pre & post) tracks

adding a convolution reverb derived from out side big open space . . . throwing in a little simulated 'wind'

etc., etc.

dropping a Alke-seltzer (splg) in a glass and recording it

good luck
things like this are exactly why i'm trying to find a decent portable 4-track. of course it helps to live near the ocean too. short of this, have you checked out the seemingly limitless world of public domain sound effects?