looking for some explanations, perhaps a good reference manual/site/link


senior newbie caveman
hey yall, I am just wondering if anyone knows of any good reference source for effects explanation? I am mostly using ableton these days, but I still tinker with mixcraft and acid. I was hoping to find a good resource that will give some in depth info of just exactly what I am doing when I am tweaking all of these damn knobs. I have all of my software manuals downloaded and printed out, but they don't seem very comprehensive when it comes to effects specifics. I have not made it to my local library, but it seems from searching their online catalog that many of the books they carry on home recording are software specific. I am hoping to to get a little more knowledge so that when I open an effect and have 20 knobs/sliders/buttons in front of me, I can make sense of them. Don't get me wrong, I do find it useful to just open effects and start tweaking the shit out of everything until I like the sound. I am wondering though, if I have a specific sound in mind, if knowing about these things more in depth would make it easier for me to dial it in.
I guess I should have added that I would like to be able to print off mass info and have in a binder for easy look up.