looking for meterbridge for AH GS3000 24ch


New member
Hey guys,

Anyone know of a meterbridge out there for an Allen and Heath GS3000 24channel frame????
I have the desk, but would really like to have the MB.
The desk is in mint condish.....1 project on it ever. It's been in a wooden crate shipped to the US 2 years ago.
I'd really like to find the bridge.
A&H don't even have the parts to make one up.......
do you think it might be possible to use some of the parts from a current meter bridge and rig it to work somehow with a little soldering here and there...or am I just dreaming??
A&H don't even have the parts to make one up.......
But, they should have a means of providing you with a list of authorized dealers in your area that you could contact to see if they still have inventory. The board is around 10 years old only, so perhaps a few stores might still have stock, perhaps in their rentals department?

Good luck!

Cheers! :)