Looking for Input


New member
Hey all, Im kinda new around here. Just started recording not too long ago and I dont really KNOW squat! :D I just go by instict really. Anyways if anyone would like to take a listen to my tunes and offer comments that would be great. Im at the point where Id like to think some of my tunes are actually DONE. Cant ever seem to get to that point.

Im kind of a solo artist I guess so even musical comments are welcome too...


Nice vibe to "Everyone". You have a great voice, which I'd bring up a bit. The repetitiveness of the tune was catchy, though by about half way through, I found it was time for SOME kind of a change. But it's got major potential. Nice acoustic sound and playing, too.
Nice sounds. (Everyone). I agree...the voice is very good. No real comments, other than I enjoy the tune. Well done.
Hey thanks for the comments guys! By the way there are lots of great artists on that site, and I get way more views there than soundclick or band space.
If youre looking for a good place to post your stuff that would be it!
That's good to know. You get more views than Soundclick? Interesting. Soundclick always has server problems. Thanx for the info.
Just checked out youre page there Rami, Good stuff man! Like the funky ass bass!

Thanks for the comments.....I had planned actually to bring some drums in about the middle with a big guitar solo, but I dont have the ability to record live drums yet and could not find a loop or program a sequence that I was truly happy with. And Im too lazy to do the solo.

Great page though man. Impressive work.