Looking for free or trial versions of....


New member
Looking for bass sonic maximizer plugins for in track studio. Can anybody help me find any or suggest any internet sites that are useful?
I don"t know about that Particular Plugin but there are MANY Freware VST and DX Plugins available on the Net, I just downloaded about 50 of them the other day and the Freeware Compressor I found is the best one I have found so far....

Just do a Google search for "Free VST Plugins" and you will find aMany sites that have Free Plugins and Filters and VST Instruments for download...

What I'm trying to do is, I made some weapon sound effects and the volumes are way too low. I made them where there is a bit of a punch or nice beefy pop sound to them. Now , when I want to raise the volume and bass and make them louder, it seems the louder they go the less clarity they get and they start to lose the punch I 'd like. They get loud but the punchy gets less and starts to get a little noise clippy.
Chammy said:
What I'm trying to do is, I made some weapon sound effects and the volumes are way too low. I made them where there is a bit of a punch or nice beefy pop sound to them. Now , when I want to raise the volume and bass and make them louder, it seems the louder they go the less clarity they get and they start to lose the punch I 'd like. They get loud but the punchy gets less and starts to get a little noise clippy.

Try some compression/limiting. Start with the Kjaerhus Classic Compressor and Master Limiter. Adjust the attack time on the compressor so you get a little punch through, but then the volume is attenuated. Then bring the level up with the limiter.


The Blockfish compressor is also very good: http://www.digitalfishphones.com/main.php?item=2&subItem=5