Looking for feedback on mix!


New member
I have just gotten back into recording and mixing after a long hiatus. I have spent most of the last 6 years on the "other side" of the glass.

This is a song I am working on for a local band. I'm still getting used to mixing on a PC...but would like all comments about how to make this mix better.

I am not looking for feedback on the songs or band...just trying to do the best I can... I have noticed that I am having a hard time getting mixes to sound balanced on car stereos, boomboxes, etc. For some reason the mixes sound great on my Monitors 1's and then sound mega bassy everywhere else. I have done my best to compensate for this...any ideas?

I have already noticed a few things that need to be dealt with; but I am curious to see what you think. I'm sure some will comment on the click track that you can hear at the start. The drummer used open back AKG's and had them REALLY loud. I have muted all the open drum tracks except the overheads during the intro to minimize the clicks...any ideas?

p.s. this is not really the kind of music I am used too, so any constructive comments are appreciated.

Equipment used:

57 & 58's on drum kit; Marhall MXL 2001 on overheads (I know, should have been stereo) recorded w/ ADAT XT20 (rented)
Guitar recorded via Tech 21 TM60
Bass direct (to Mackie w/ mild compression)
vocals: Marshall MXL
Mackie 1604 (old version)
Behringer Autocom Compressor
PC w/Samplitude
Alesis Monitor 1's

Link to Song "Hidden Shame":

Link to Song "Complete Adandon":
http://www.franklinyouth.org/steven/Complete Abandon MP3.MP3
OK, I think your mix sounds friggin' great.

The ONLY thing that I would have done different....especially for this type of music, is bring out the kicker (bass drum, whatever) The bass guitar is the only thing holding the 'thump' or balls of the recording. I think it needs that sweet sounding 'ticky/in your face' kicker.

If your like me, your screwed cause I only have 8 tracks, and my drums have already been mixed down to a stereo pair and aren't really adjustable. However, since you are computer based, each piece of the drum is probably on it's own track, and so you can proabably adjust as necessary.

That's it. It has the right amount of bass, mid, and treble. I am impressed with the distortion from a Tech 21 amp! The drums actually do sound pretty wide, so don't worry about the stereo overhead crap...you did good.
