Looking for answer: Converting audio signal


New member
Please help: I am looking for a device that can convert the amplified signal to the line level signal, so that I can feed the signal into the line mixer.

Can any of you recommend? or give me some suggestion?

Thanks in million.
Bear with me...I haven't had my first cup of coffee, but I am confused with what you are attempting to do. How are you amplifying the signal? I think what you're looking for is a pre-amp to go between the source (guitar, keys, mic) and the line-in on your mixer. If this is the case you might want to check out the ART Dual MP which has received favorable reviews on this BBS.
I have had my first cup of coffee and I'm confused also. Generally in audio work you are looking to boost signals - i.e., you boost a mic level source to line level (using a pre-amp) and then you boost the line level signal (using an amp) to a level strong enough to drive speakers.

What you are asking to do is to cut a signal (from speaker level back to line level). Can't understand where or why you would need to do that.
Zzzeee, if you got an guitar amp that sounds like a million bucks, you'd might wanna use that instead of just lining the guitar.
However, a better solution in that case would probably be to get a speaker and a mic.
clearing the confuion

Sorry. To clear the confusion I have made, here's the picture. My brother has a home-theater receiver (without line level out). He connects a DVD Karaoke machine to that receiver. Once he finds out that the vocal effects on the DVD machine are not good for him, he wants to try some external effect device. He has a line mixer, an effect processor and a power amplifier.

I told him that he could damage his audio system if he would feed the already-amplified signal from the receiver into the
mixer... Am I right? the reason is that he wants to plug the microphones into the mixer (which connects to the external
processor) and sings along with the DVD. That's quite a setup, but he needs a line level signal converter or something...??

I hope this is clear.

Oh....well then, easy!

I am sure that the unit has a Record Out right by the Cassette Input, or a External Amp Out on it. Use either of those to go to mixer.
