Looking for an Altruistic Cubase User...


New member
Hi there-

I'm interested in making the jump to Cubase for my sequencing purposes, in hopes that its quantitizing features will help me swing/groove my drum tracks better. But I'm not really sure whether my current problem is my own lack of knowledge, my currect sequencer, or the nature of computer drum programming.

Would some great, kind soul do a huge favor for me? I'd like to check out Cubase's quantitization features

If you're willing, please draw up a consistent 16th-note MIDI sequence, and quantitize it using Cubase's quantitization features, and save each quantitization as a midi file (preferably with the name of Cubase's setting- 8T,1/4T, etc [I don't really know what they mean, so if you have any info on that, it'd be great]).

I don't think this would take very long...maybe 5 minutes at most? I'll gladly offer whatever services (I have a huge collection of freeware VST effects and instruments to share, and some decent royalty-free samples) or advice in return.

If anyone's interested, please reply, or send me a PM- and I'll forward my email (or AIM screenname) your way.

Thanks much
I do use cubase but basically I just record vocals with it. I have never delved into the midi side of things.