Looking for a mic for loud enviroment


New member
Hello there,
I am doing a speacial program, fiming in loud places such as loud dance clubs.

I am looking for a clip on mic, that will focus on the speaking of the person carrying it and the people he speaks to.
I need 3 of these (maybe i'll get 3 different types).

I heard condenser or the cardioid can fit my needs but i don't understand what will be better.
About the budget, meanwhile I don't want to spend a lot on the mics, so i'll go for no more than 50$ a mic. :o

Thank you very much
You can try either a COUNTRYMAN B2D or a DPA 4080 or DPA 4081.

The 4080 is a basic cardioid; the B2D and the 4081 are both hypercardioid for even more rejection (but takes careful placement and aiming. However, no clip on is going to be perfect is super noisy environments--the old "inverse square law" starts to get you as the mic moves farther from the mouth. In really noisy places, the only real options are handheld or headsets.

Be warned--the mics above are professional mics with professional price tags!
It depends on just how noisy your environments are. The tighter the pattern, the more rejection you'll get. The majority of clipons are omni directional offering no rejection at all. Cardioid would be better than omni, hypercardioid better again as the noise goes up.

However, directional clipons are a fairly specialist item. I don't know of any "economy" ones but hopefully somebody else will speak up.
A clip on mic will never reject noise like a mic closer to the source (your mouth) due to the aforementioned inverse square law. A mic with a tight pattern will reject by direction which makes it less effective picking up two voices and still prone to bleed if the noise is loud and coming from all directions (like it would indoors).

A headset mic would probably work for just you, but you need a handheld you can move to the source as needed to deal with two people speaking in a loud environment. There is no technology that will overcome this, especially at $50 per mic.