looking at a few new mics


Useless Thoughts
looking at 5 mics, would be cool to get some advice/reviews from people who know tem or have used them.

Mics im looking at:
Apex 205 Ribbon (100)
Apex 210 Ribbon (120)
Joe Meek JM47a (150)
Joe Meek JM27 (60)
MXL 3000 (150)

my current mis line up:
MXL v88

mainly looking for another mic on acoustics and clean/somewhat overdriven guitar amps.

my current thoughts are the JM47a but ive heard some good things about the others as well.

Ror the guitar amps you should be pretty good with what you have (MXL and sm57). I just got a Fat Head ribbon and I'm going to try it on acoustic and overdriven guitar amps. I've heard good things about ribbons on both sources.

I didn't like any of the joe meek mics I've tried, so I'd not recommend them. You've already got a LDC, so another cheap LDC probably won't be the difference you're looking for.

My recommendations would be a ribbon mic, and save up for a better LDC, and also maybe a stereo pair of SDC for the acoustic. Others could probably give better info, and in the microphone forum too.
yeah i haven't tried the mx much on an amp so i guess i should get on trying that. i was looking at a pair of the JM27's for about 180 for a matched pairt for acoustics. hmm.

thanks didnt know there was a mic forum, i havent been on in ages.
yeah i haven't tried the mx much on an amp so i guess i should get on trying that. i was looking at a pair of the JM27's for about 180 for a matched pairt for acoustics. hmm.

thanks didnt know there was a mic forum, i havent been on in ages.