Look what I made!

Very nice! My grandfather was a carpenter/ woodworker for about 60 yrs. It looks alot like something he'd build. Except that he probably has no idea what a rack is...
Nice work. Looks like it would seemlessly fit right into grandmas kitchen.

PS my emoticons aren't working soooo....
- big smile/ stick out tongue....

I might be interested in a 2 or 4 space rack in that finish like the one you did. How much would it cost?

I've also got a reel to reel that I have been trying to find a rolling cart for...with the rack on top almost horizontal. Would you be interested in doing something like that?


P.S. Do you make guitars for any Christian Artists? I swear I've heard of Mayes guitars before.

Nevermind...I just checked your website...Jars, Andrew Peterson, Steven Curtis...that's awesome man! Do Shane and Shane use yours also? I'm dang impressed!
Jburn34 said:

I might be interested in a 2 or 4 space rack in that finish like the one you did. How much would it cost?

I've also got a reel to reel that I have been trying to find a rolling cart for...with the rack on top almost horizontal. Would you be interested in doing something like that?


P.S. Do you make guitars for any Christian Artists? I swear I've heard of Mayes guitars before.

Nevermind...I just checked your website...Jars, Andrew Peterson, Steven Curtis...that's awesome man! Do Shane and Shane use yours also? I'm dang impressed!

While I'm not larry I think you meant John :)

a 2-4 space rack would be easy. Depends on what you want it made out of. And the other thing..depends on a lot of things...I would need more demensions and such... e-mail me and we can talk. john@mayesguitars.com

And yeah Shane Barnard has called me up before and asked about some guitars but seeing that he has about 8 guitars I don't think a few thousand on a guitar would be his higest priority!..haha..
well yes yes I did...nitrocellulose Lacquer...very flammable I think..but I doubt it will be getting that hot...I put myt power condition on top and the patchbay on bottom...netiher one of them heat up too much...but good thinking..
Good work, John!

where did you get the actual racks? the black metal, I mean. And how much are they?

A1A2 said:
Good work, John!

where did you get the actual racks? the black metal, I mean. And how much are they?


You can get them at just about any pro gear shop or lots of places on the net. There normally $5-$20 per piece depending on how big.
What is the inside of the ISO box like? How hot does it get inside when the computer is running? I'm building my own now (VERY VERY UGLY), and cooling has been a big consideration.

subtractor said:
You can get them at just about any pro gear shop or lots of places on the net. There normally $5-$20 per piece depending on how big.

Groovy! I made a rack awhile ago out of regular silver looking rails from Low's, man were they ugly!
