Look My way


New member
not much of a singer, but here I go. here's my song, recorded to a 1978 Teac 80-8 8 channel machine @15 ips with noise reduction on all channels. 1976 Teac 5 mixer used here, as well as early '70s scotch 203 which drops out a lot (i have even older 1/2" tape that does NOT drop out - I'm saving that for when I'm going beyond "demos"). Since this is 8 channels I can easier break it down with me on all the instruments:

1 '70s J bass
2 electric guitar 1 (through 1973 Mu tron phaser) (left)
3 electric guitar 2 (through 1973 Mu tron phaser) (right)
4 vocal 1 (spring reverb)
5 vocal 2 (spring reverb)
6 1978 Premier birch drums 1 (in carpeted booth)
7 drums 2 (24" bass drum)
8 touch up track (for overdubs)

keep in mind this was all sub-mixed - the drums were initially like 5-6 tracks until I squashed it down to two. at the end you can hear the un-submixed crash cymbal coming through! I do not know how that happened.


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Very nostalgic! There's some loss (cymbals, etc.) after the "When I see you smile" on the right side. Comes back after a bit, but sounds out of whack. Good mix otherwise!
I noticed nothing in the vox that would make me think you weren't a singer. Nice job man, very cool sound. Nostalgic indeed. I noticed the lead V to about 30% and the harmony centered. Thought that was cool.

I probably have the least experience here out of anybody...so not much else to chime in with at this point! But I definitely enjoyed that. Nice job
Definitely a trip back to the old San Fran sound. The drums (except kick) seem to be too far over to the right.
Wow, that flange/phaser on the guitars is incredible. That's not an effect that I like very much, but this is a damn fine example of it. I think that the vocals sound great, they're a little tentative at times especially in the first verse. But you pick up the confidence as the song rolls along. There's a spot or two where the lead and backing vocals hit a little dissonance, but overall the vocals are pretty terrific. The guitars do a weird ducking thing early in the song but I don't hear it again.

Excellent song, and I think that the mix sounds good on this system. I think that this is my favorite of yours so far. Your infatuation with reverb has been tamed, and this is just a solid mix.
There's a hole in the arrangement at about 14 secs that needs to be filed or pan something to fill it on the side.
The vox seem very oddly panned - seems one way over to the side and a quieter one near the centre.
Much improved from your 1st posts.
You're doing very well.
I like the bass sound a lot.

Sound drops out on the left at :15 for a second or so.

Flangy guitar and reverb fit the vibe of the song.

Vocal doubling is not real tight. I'd put the vocal tracks down the center.

A couple spots where the doubled gutiars weren't too tight.