Look, another noob!


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm new to this site, but not music or recording. I just thought I'd introduce myself here to get started. So first a little info about me:

- Been playing bass in metal / hard rock bands since the early 90s
- Have recorded two albums in 'real' studios with actual professional engineers
- Several years of gigging experience, but most of it local to southern Alberta (a few shows in Saskatchewan)
- Most interesting band I've played in: a three-piece jazz/metal group I put together while living in Japan...never got to play a gig because our aussie guitar player had to leave the country. Drummer was Japanese.
- I like all kinds of stuff but some of my favorite bands / musicians are: Faith No More, Motley Crue, Type O Negative, Danko Jones, Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Black Label Society.

Why am I on this site...?

A few months ago I finally got all of my guitars, basses, pedals and MIDI keyboard out of storage. I sold off all my amps before moving overseas. Not having anyone to jam with (seems tough to find like-minded people nowadays), I went out and bought a PreSonus Firebox bundle. I thought I might as well start writing or jamming by myself.

I've only just recently got it all set up on my PC and figured out how to get sound in and out of the Firebox / Cubase LE 4. I have a Mac too and briefly messed around with GarageBand '08, but it's a little too simplified for what I want to do.

So now here I am, all set up and ready to go.
Well it's been a while since I did any song writing, and I've always worked in a collaborative group as opposed to alone. We're in new territory for me! So I'm thinking about maybe laying down some bits of songs I like, just to get my head around what I'm going to need to learn about my hardware, Cubase, and my playing. That way I'm not fighting to write a song on top of all that.

I think I might start roughing out a version of SIXX:A.M.'s "Life is Beautiful". I figured out a few of the guitar bits a few weeks ago and think it's a great tune.

And thanks for the welcome. :)