Long - original

I think the acoustic is fine. I didn't listen on my studio monitors though. I don't think you're as far off as some suggest. I hear just very slight tweaks that could only be hashed out in a better environment than I gave it. But the vocal, if I were producing you I'd have you do another take with a more relaxed, less up front--maybe softer if you will--take. Hard to describe what I'm talking about.
The delay on the guitar should be tied more into the beat . I you tap in the delay you can get it pretty close , or if it is a pedal I would retrack without delay and put in a digital one so you can automate . I would also turn down the feedback on the delay as well . Maybe bring it back up in automation Right at the end of the solo . I would clear it up a lot . Myself , I have never been a big fan of the old analog delay as far as the way it colors the tone .
First of all, Really cool song! Very 70's vibe.
While the new mix is helping, I'm hearing some timing issues. I don't know if you are using a DAW with a nudge function but you might consider starting with the drums and adding the bass to make sure everything lines up. if you want the song to drive forward you can nudge the bass a hair in front of the drums if you want a blues or slower feel nudge it a hair behind the drums. Then I would line up the guitar with the bass. I think I'm hearing the strumming of the guitar and the drums clashing. You might also want to check your phase once things are lined up.
The vocals need some space. a little reverb, doubling, something to back it off. it sounds like your lips are right at my ears. A touch of fx will help give some space to it. The backing track has plenty of space but the vocals are In Your Face.
I hope I'm making sense. It might be as simple as bringing the level down, but a little depth would really set the vocal off.
Excellent lyrics mj, I can totally relate at my age. :) The backups work really well, adding to the (what I call) haunting retrospective theme.
I do agree with the guitar delay comment. I think it has too much foldback and the tempo would be best if matched to your drum tempo.
I think the notes are there, it just needs a tweak on the delay pedal.
This is still playing in my head, sign of a great tune.