's my "low-fi" punk song thing.


New member
not really a song, more like a noise. and not really all that "low fi" anyway.
All recorded in one take and on the fly.
I didn't have anything writen when i hit record, i just played whatever came to my head, hence the extreme disonance. all recording/mixing/etc was done in 15 minutes.
anyway, here's my answer to low fi punk crap.

Its called "My TCBY cup just fell"


dont think that my singing is always like that. i simply just moaned and stuff into a mic. same goes for my guitar playing, bass playing, drumming, recording, mixing, etc....

Unique...yeah...that's the word that comes to mind....unique...
I can truly say that I have never heard anything quite like this before......hmmm....yeah....unique..
You claim that there is a bass track on this.....I do not hear one...well...

Good luck with your music man...
it IS tuned. I just didn't bother with playing in key or anything like that...or in
there's like 1 or 2 parts on it that are kind of interesting that i might want to work into a real song of mine but this is just a dumb jab at low-fi punk.
As I've said, i have nothing against it kind is all relative, but its NOT my kind of thing.

listen...i dont think ALL punk is bad. not at all.
Its just that the lowfi stuff is sooo stripped down that there's almost nothing left.
There are a few "punk" bands that I think are really good:

greenday- the thing that makes greenday so great is melody. pure and simple. this is why blink 182 sucks. they're just like greenday minus the great melodic hooks...leaving not much to listen to.
sugarcult- only heard one song by these guys but they seem to be in the same vein as greenday in that they place melody high on their list.
nirvana- the music was punk rock and so was the way they lived. great music. never sold out, yet still sold millions.
linkin park- might call them "nu" metal and whatnot, but as trendy as it is to diss this band lately i simply cannot. The entire album is chock full of incredible melodies.
the offspring- same reason as greenday and all them.
Incubus- they're newer stuff is more like waiting room acoustic rock...but science and make yourself were great blends of punk, techno, r&b, and loads of other stuff. very original.
Foo Fighters- not as good as nirvana, but damned similar(for obvious reasons) and also place melody in high regard.

so, there.
Dude you talk about lo-fi punk and then name a bunch of top 40 bands from the last 10 yrs.

Check out Flipper, Sex Pistols, old Social Distortion and those arent even obscure bands.
Actually I'm pissed off now and I'm not even that big on punk. Are you telling me those are punk bands!!??

What are they teaching these kids in college these days...
yeah I'm going to have to agree with Tex on this, I don't really think you know what punk is my man...

That would explain why your song has no resemblance to punk at all... try to say as little as possible... you will end up making it worse..:eek::D
oh come on.
im NOT one of those people that beleives music needs to be old to be good. Thats sooo annoying.

IN MY OPINION the sex pistols SUCK. its utter crap. You might call it "real punk", or say "come on man, the sex pistols are what punk is all about." but that doesnt change my mind about the fact that i think the sex pistols suck.
and the ramones.

they're music is old and the lead singer isn't alive so to not like them would be twice as worse. Their music is fine I guess but is as inspiring and interesting as muzak.

i think that 90% of what makes music "good" has to do with what was going on in your life when you heard it and how it related to you. Beleive it or not all people weren't alive when the beetles came out so not everyone is going to relate to them.

just stop with this idea that bands that are old and/or have a deceased member are worthy or infinite praise.

I was watching some show once and the guy on the show was talking really highly of the sex pistols. he said, "man they were crazy on stage. they totally went against establishment and were just plain wild."
um, so ****ing what? this guy seriously said nothing about the music. sigh... whatever, i give up. i guess i have to live with the fact that old music and dead musicians are all the rage.
Punk is generally three guys playing the one chord progression they can barely get through singing words about whatever as loudly as they can, playing loudly through blown amps and busted drum heads and yeah, in general is really not musical in the strictest sense. Most Punk sounds like it was born out of Satan's butt-lice's worst atonal nightmares. Truth is, I'd rather listen to an accordian played through a zoom 505 pedal by a one-legged, one armed, deaf monkey than sit through a sex pistols record.

You ever notice that if a punk band starts to play more than three chords, they get labelled "sell-outs" (goo goo dolls, green day, etc.) I usually call that learning. Oh well. Enough honesty.

yeah I'm going to have to agree with Tex on this, I don't really think you know what punk is my man...

That would explain why your song has no resemblance to punk at all... try to say as little as possible... you will end up making it worse..:eek::D

I agree B.Sabbath! What the heck are some of these people talking about.... They wouldn't know a punk song if it slapped them in the head... It's funny listening to there thoughts on it though... This is the type of stuff good punk songs are written about...

WEBYCAN, this song really sucks... I think my mom could write a song closer to punk than this... It has nothing to do with old or new, or dead or alive.. It has everything to do with good or bad..

If you compared this song to a band YOU think suck, like the Pistols or the Ramones, you could hear how bad YOU really suck...

I would be embaressed by this thread if it were me... Then again... I would never post a song that sucks as bad as this one...(at least I hope not)

read this quote,

"Ever feel like you've been cheated?"

Most everything you need to know about punk can be learned from that statement.....IMOP

Listen to some 'Husker Du' or 'Naked Raygun' or some 'Fear'....

I could easily write a punk song right now about people who think they actually know what punk is... you thought you could write a punk song as a joke BUT this song sucks tooo bad to be punk... It truly may be the worst song I have ever heard in the clinic....

For someone who sucks this bad, I would not be judging ANY TYPE of music until I actually learned how to play some...

Incubus, the Offspring, Foo Fighters???? If that is punk, than you are a musical genius..... and this song you put up would be the greatest classical piano song I have ever heard since 'Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata'

I'm not trying to take a shot at you, I just find it funny for someone who puts up a song that sucks this bad, and then offers there opinion on what sucks...

This song totally sucks... I have yet to hear a real punk song that sucks this bad.... This is the suckiest song I ever got sucked into hearing.... "Ever feel like you've been cheated?!"

For someone who sucks this bad, I would not be judging ANY TYPE of music, until I learned how to play some..

"Ever feel like you've been cheated?!"
DUde....webcyan...did you forget to take you medication again man :D This reminds me of recordings I used to do in my friends basement when I was 13 years old....We managed to whip out a bunch of tapes that sounded like this back then.....Only we needed about an ounce of whacky weed and a case of milwakie's best to achieve the sound that you got....Bravo!

No seriously, B.Sabbath is doesn't have a damn thing to do with dead, alive or otherwise.......And that certainly isn't punk......But anyway focusing on this genre issue is senseless because it's not about that either........What it is about is something entirely different....Maybe you have attention deficit disorder *lol*.....Do you? That could be it....

Seriously though, maybe you should work a little harder on something before you put it up here in the clinic man.....People around here work pretty damn hard on their music and I thank them for it cause they've raised the expectations that I have for myself (one day maybe I'll post something..who knows :D).....Those expectations needed to be raised.......And By darn it; So do yours.....they need to be raised in a BAD way.....

maybe if you could organize your ideas at least remotely before posting? You shouldn't be posting a mp3 if it takes you longer to post the damn the thing than it did to actually record it....Or at least I wouldn't be caught dead doing it in here....Cuz these people tell it like freakin IS.....

You know you can actually make something that sounds good and is lo-fi man...However, it takes alot of work...You should just take this criticism as minor detour bro.....forget it ever happened...I will.....Go back to the drawing board with a little more drive and come back here and prove everyone here that said you suck wrong.....Or just continue Sucking....The choice is yours man......I want to encourage you but I don't even know what to say........Just do it bro.......Take some ritalin or will help you need to focus, focus, focus , focus........I'm sure that almost everyone here recorded something like this at one time another in the embryonic stages of their musical development....I know I did......It was on an ordinary cassette recorder........I'm sure if you posted something here in the future that people would be glad to help you learn and progress if only you would put some effort into your work.....And really sound very naive trying to defend yourself here with all this "alive/dead/punk" nonsense.....Take the criticism like a man bro....go back to square one....and ask people here for help......Trying to prove them all wrong in this fashion is a silly thing to do in this situation.......Work hard and reap the benifits...prove them wrong that way.....

Man I don't know what to say....I feel like I probably shouldn't have even contributed to this thread but I'm not going to waste all this typing I did............So what can I say man....I've spoken to you in here....and your a good kid and you have good intentions......So Good luck man

- nave
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EXACTLY! finally, someone with a mind... :D

sonnylarsen said:
Punk is generally three guys playing the one chord progression they can barely get through singing words about whatever as loudly as they can, playing loudly through blown amps and busted drum heads and yeah, in general is really not musical in the strictest sense. Most Punk sounds like it was born out of Satan's butt-lice's worst atonal nightmares. Truth is, I'd rather listen to an accordian played through a zoom 505 pedal by a one-legged, one armed, deaf monkey than sit through a sex pistols record.

You ever notice that if a punk band starts to play more than three chords, they get labelled "sell-outs" (goo goo dolls, green day, etc.) I usually call that learning. Oh well. Enough honesty.

*just read through some of these posts*

do you all actually think that "song" was serious? it was a joke not anything to consider as a real song. i played whatever came to my head on guitar and then moaned like a berlin whore into a $5 mic...