
tony moore

New member
so i'm an old tape geezer tryin' to learn this daw thing... i bought an mbox and i dig it, but i'm really wrestling with protools. a friend gave me a little tour of logic on his ibook at lunch. wow, it seemed MUCH more intuitive than protools!

anyone care to comment on logic? cpu usage compared to protools? sound quality? i've heard rumour it will work with my mbox, but i always thought protools didn't play nice with others?

any input appreciated.


I've been using Logic for years. It's an excellent program. Some may say its hard to learn but it just takes time like any software. The sound quality is excellent but that has more to do with the interface. The m-box should be an excellent candidate with logic. CPU usage is no more than any other program. That is primarily dependant on the plug-ins you use.
One thing to note is Logic only supports WIN platform to 5.5
They now are geared towards MAC. with 6.0 and above.
thanks stealth. i'm on a mac anyway :-) compared to protools or digital performer, i thought logic was much easier in the little time i saw it. i really like the way you route signal. and being able t "build" your mixer is a great idea.

thanks again,

What planet are you from that Logic is more intuitive than Pro Tools? Logic is known as the most difficult DAW program in existence and I can testify to that.
TexRoadkill said:
What planet are you from that Logic is more intuitive than Pro Tools? Logic is known as the most difficult DAW program in existence and I can testify to that.
Come on now Tex...it aint that difficult;)