Logic Express/FirePod/Pro Tools LE/Digi 002R


New member
Ok, so here is my situation: I currently own an Mbox and Pro Tools LE, but am yet to use Pro Tools since I need to upgrade to use with OS X Tiger. So for the time being I have ben using the Mbox with Garageband.

I plan on recording a full band some day soon, and would like to have at least 8 inputs that i can record at the same time. So here is my plan: Pickup a Firepod, Logic Express 7, and upgrade to Pro Tools 7. This way I have the option of doing my tracking in Logic for Drums (8 Channels) and then doing the rest in Pro Tools through the MBox (I am assuming Pro Tools can import the audio recorded in Logic???) if I wanted too. Does this seem like a decent plan?

The other route I was considering was picking up a Digi 002 Rack, but that would cost me more money and seems to be less flexible than having the option of working in Logic or Pro Tools.

Is any one in the same boat as me? Or does anyone have any advice? Thanks very much.

- Sean