Local Craigslist 24 track

Looks a lot like the one my firs CD/Cassette album was recorded on.
Nice but tedious.
Still, analog folks are well used to FF, REW, and the time it takes.

A little out of your budget? :)
I would love to own a 2" 16 track, but yeah, $260 per tape is a bit much.

You can even find used GP9 and 996 reels for less than that, but still. I'm convinced that 1" 8 track is perfect for my needs... when I decide to upgrade from 1/2" 8 track.
Jeff...With me closing in fast on getting my BR-20T sync'ed to my DAW (and opening up that option to be able to fill up tape tracks, dump to the DAW, move to a new position on tape and fill up tracks again and be able to dump in sync with the DAW), I'm almost wishing I had a 1/2" 4-track like cjacek's. The BR handles tape sooo nice. Its just slick. But 2 tracks is a bit limited for sumultaneous tracking. 4 tracks would be just about right, and economical too. But this is all under the premise that I'd never need to/want to track more than 4 tracks at a time to tape. I'm going to stop thinking about it now because I haven't yet even tried the MM-1000 and I betcha I'm gonna be hooked on that for tracking once I DO try it out.