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Welcome to the forum. Checked out 'wake up'...uhmmm drums maybe too loud? Decent rock sound but its a bit unrefined...i think the bridge maybe (?) is kinda messy...maybe boost the solo too? the second harmonised solo is cool, but i think the snare takes over and theres a few timing issues....not sure about the 'radio' eq in the final peart either.
Drums are too loud - honestly - esp the snare.
I quite like the unrefined sound but the drummer does have a couple of probs with timing in & out of fills.
Good song - wake up.
Sometimes the vocals - at stretch are a bit pitchy ALMOST endearingly so.
The solo needs some ergs. & does the weird dual guitar twiddle - actually drop the drums quite a bit for that section particularly as there are a few drumming errors that stand out like dog's.....
A good beginning. Spend more time on recording the songs & less on the web page would be my prinipal suggestion.