Live Vocal Mic.

hey xstatic--

right on brother. that's exactly what i was trying to say.

the 58 is a "known" that anyone who's run sound for more than about 30 minutes will have an immediate knowledge on how to handle. AND they take eq quite well (so it's easy to dial out whatever nasties might be there).

i don't like the 58 for me b/c it emphasizes the nasally aspects of my voice in a BAD way. the senn 835 does not--and in fact, it seems to "enrich" my voice somewhat. i'm sure this can be done with eq to some extent on a 58. but in the spirit of "fix it at the source", it's easier for me (when running sound and playing at the same time) to put up the 835 than deal with eqing the snot out of a 58 while trying to sing and play. :D

but if i had to deal with bands sight-unseen and needed a mic that i could rely on for consistent performance night after night.....i'd opt for the 58.

Personally, I like the Beta 57A's over the Beta 58's, and the Beta 57's have come a long way in handling plosives over the old 57's. The 87's are great but being condensers, you'll always need power.

Who cares, I use headset mics all the time now anyway.
yea id say if you can try getting a few mics (borrow, rent) off this list and next time you do a show try em out. ask the FOH what mic he hears sounding the best on yur mic. unless you get a dick of a foh they shouldnt have any probs doing this for you. i always get this one act and my club and the guys voice is a bitch real quite, real sibilant. we tried various things and for some reason almost as a joke we tried a sm81 with the little foamy windscreen on it. low and behold this mic worked great on him. was funny as hell when he left he said " i think ill buy one of those to take on the road with me". we had to tell him the most foh guys would prolly either laugh or be pissed when he pulls out an sm81 for his vox.

also its pretty nice to see someone mentioning the badass eqs on a midas. i just got a house gig with a verona and holy shit is it a nice console. the variable high pass is an amazing thing.
I have a Verona in my stock, and we are thinking about adding a Sienna for another monitor desk now. The Midas stuff is beautiful. The first thing I noticed about the Verona is that it is HOT. I have never had to pad so many channels:D I love being able to punch inserts out at the console as well. Not many consoles in that price range offer that feature.