Live recording ZZ Top Cover


This is a live recording I did of a band from my youth, I followed this band as a teenager. lost track of them for 30 years. The drummer was my mentor. they got together for a reunion in my studio. 1st time time they have played together since the early 80s. I had 15 live mics in one room. This is the 1st mix. These guys are all in their late 50s. what do you think?


Gits, drums, vocals - each of the elements sound decent but they aren't going together.

Vocals seem like they could use some different EQ. They are extremely boomy to my ear.

Gits have tons of verb and drums don't seem to have much. It puts the gits way back on the stage - so far back that they are on a different stage altogether from the drums. I don't know how to fix it but you gotta find a way to glue them together somehow.
I like the overall sound of the second mix better. The first mix had just too much reverb, and the big delay between the left and right side was a bit weird.

But the second mix is mono.

The bass is kind of rumbly and indistinct.

The guitar in the second mix sounds pretty good without all the verb.

Vocal sounds pretty good. Sounds like a hint of slapback delay. That worked well.
Just what ibleedburgundy said. Put a high pass filter on that bass set to about 50Hz. Take of any ambiance you've added to the guitars.
This is better. I thought the guitars sounded very good.

I like the snare and over head sound. I think you could turn up the snare just a bit. The bass is dominating the kick, so I can't hear much from the kick.

The bass is still very rumbly and heavy. I would definitely try to address the big low end.

I liked the slapback on the vocal a couple of nights ago. But I'm not liking it anymore. I try a shorter delay/pre-delay. A medium room type of reverb would work well I think. And just a hint of it. What is there now puts the vocal in a different spot than all the instruments.
I like the last version best. It's sounding pretty good.

I still think the bass is too rumbly and a bit too loud.

I'm still not digging the reverb on the vocal. Needs a shorter decay and needs to be dryer.

I'm liking the snare level where it is on mix #5.

All just my opinions.
Thanks. I can shorten up the verb. Thinking of trying a amp sim on the bass. As you can tell im struggling with it. Is the rumble you are talking about a low mid thing? Like 150 or so?
*Commenting on the first song still, Mix 4*

Listened to a little of all the mixes before I got to #4. It has improved as you've been moving along. The guitars sound better panned, but more gelled more towards the center. I think it's because the performances, although good, didn't quite gel together the entire time. At times they're quite loose with each other to where it's hard to focus on it as one unit carrying the mid-range rhythm. But I'd still keep them panned.

The solo seemed a little quiet to me, and that part should be panned more center I think, if possible. Put it on it's own track if you can, and process it slightly different than the rhythms so it jumps out, and pan it down the middle, or just slightly off center. Not sure what you're mic setup was, if the solo wasn't overdubbed then you would have no rhythm on the right when the solo starts (if you center just the solo) So, not exactly sure what to do there. (copying the left rhythm for just that part and panning right is worth a look- or to keep the stereo image going, find a spot where the same right player plays the same rhythm and paste it in there)

The bass notes chugging at times is also a little inconsistent and pokey at times, not sure how else to describe it.

Sound quality is pretty good though, so are the tones. You should be able to get this sounding great with a few more minor tweaks. Try some parallel compression on those drums, and maybe even the bass.
Ok, Fuuuuuuck!:D

I'm still not digging the reverb on the vocal. Needs a shorter decay and needs to be dryer.

I shortened up the verb and the decay tail.

The solo seemed a little quiet to me, and that part should be panned more center I think, if possible. Put it on it's own track if you can, and process it slightly different than the rhythms so it jumps out, and pan it down the middle, or just slightly off center. Not sure what you're mic setup was, if the solo wasn't overdubbed then you would have no rhythm on the right when the solo starts (if you center just the solo) So, not exactly sure what to do there. (copying the left rhythm for just that part and panning right is worth a look- or to keep the stereo image going, find a spot where the same right player plays the same rhythm and paste it in there)

I duplicated both guitar tracks, panned them opposite of the song for the lead ride, linked these 2 tracks on a VCA fader and used automation to pot them up in the solo. Thoughts?


OK I think the rumble is pretty much out of the bass. Without retracking, I think that's about the best sound you're going to get out of it. It's not too bad as it sits right now.

Now I can hear the kick. It's pretty good. But a bit woofy and a bit loud. I think if you pulled out a moderate amount between 400hz - 600hz you'd tighten it up just a bit. It might solve the loudness issue at the same time.

I'd dry up the vocal just a bit. But just a bit.

It is sounding much better now. IMO.
Listened to to parts of every mix up to the last one. Major improvements! I struggle with bass and to be honest I just have to roll it off below around 100hz and even then its sometimes too rumbly. Your tones sound good you just need to get that bass squared away. I am horrible at taking my own advice, but try using a reference track to see where they sit at. Good job though
Listened to to parts of every mix up to the last one. Major improvements! I struggle with bass and to be honest I just have to roll it off below around 100hz and even then its sometimes too rumbly. Your tones sound good you just need to get that bass squared away. I am horrible at taking my own advice, but try using a reference track to see where they sit at. Good job though

Thanks , good Idea on the reference track, never thought of that. next time I will duplicate the bass track and not touch it so I can compare.