Live Condenser Mic


New member
I'm looking for a mic to use on an acoustic guitar live. Something in the $100.00 to $150.00 range.
I don't need any comments about how I should be using some sort of pickup instead of a mic and I only want suggestion of mics that you've used live yourself.
I've used MXL 990 and SP B1 live on acoustic and they work great. I think I actually prefer the 990 for live guitar work – the mic also makes a nice visual presentation. I've also used DPA 4060's, but that's a bit more.
I have an SP B3 that is my utility live mic for all kinds of instruments. It's great and hasn't let me down once, but my concern with it would be if I was working with higher on-stage volumes that the wide patterns might have a bit too much spill.

However, the flip side of that is that if you get something more directional, then when the player shifts his stool a few inches to the side, you might just have changed the sound the mic receives quite drastically.

Depending on your sound and instruments, I've also had luck with a Beyer M400 recently on acoustic (is there anything this mic can't do?).