Live ACID beat session (Audio) plz


New member
Tell me what you cats think of this. I was kinda tired when I made it, but is it informative/helpful at all?

Top of my page.
It's kinda ill seeing how everybody puts their beats together. I put it down totally different, but I can see this working too. Cha was right though...the beat got better and better as it progressed
Now that really was a tutorial. Beat making 101 fo real. I usually do it reverse myself, doing the drums last, but that's definatly a good step-by-step for new producers though. Make sure you tell'em that their beats may not sound good, like that one. A lot of that depends on module level (like that Motif), musical ability, and sound selection. :D
Stray.. Thats real damn hot..that whats up..real nice track..real got it on bout to have everyone making beats after this tutorial...nice work..and the beat came out nice....
This is good....I'd like to see more cats doing tutorials so we can get different variations on how folks make beats.
Thanks for the feedback everybody. Cha, I'll do one for the blog or you can take this one if you want. I'll be doing a sampling one soon.

I wish I could find a good screen recorder so you can see what I'm doing, but all the one's I tried are too heavy on the CPU.

I agree with Fieva, I'd like to see some other cats methods.
I think it's great idea for everyone to do at least one. I believe we can all learn something from seeing, or hearing how each of us construct beats. Especially if were able to see how to freak different pieces of equipment (I doubt everybody has the same set up) ...Stray, I'm thinking combined with a video, you could have a very marketable product, with so many catz trying to enter the game, due to the new wave of popularity for producers.
whoa! that is some fiya right there. man, you are knocking out some good melodies on that song.
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