linking two reel to reels?


New member
Hello all,

I've had an old Akai 4000DS MKII for a little while (records stereo) and was thinking about getting another recorder (AKAI X-1800SD.) The guy is asking $100 for it. Two questions: how is the Akai X-1800SD? Worth the money if it is in good condition? Secondly, is there any way I could record simultaneously into both machines in a way that they would match up (some sort of master/slave configuration? I really don't know anything about this) short of recording, throwing it into a DAW, then matching it by ear? I have a feeling that wouldn't work that well either, since there is bound to be some sort of time variation between the two...
I know of no analog time-sync device that would work with your R2R's- but if there is one, they usually suck up one of the tracks for the sync, so if your decks are all 2-track, you gain nothing. If they are 4-track, you would end up with 6 tracks- but I don't think that is worth the trouble or expense.

Your call, IF you can find a sync device.
In addition to everything stevieb said, the decks in question can not be externally controlled by a synchronizer which requires the decks to have a control port.

If you need more tracks, buy a multi-track deck which has the desired number of channels built in. These days, it's way more cost effective and far less of a technical headache to try to lock up a bunch of ill equipped decks.

About the Akai's being decent or not; they were a decent consumer home stereo deck in their day. But they never attempted to get into the multi track open reel market as TEAC and TASCAM were the market dominators in that era.

So if you have a use for the deck/s and they work, then sure, they're worth it. But for multi tracking/home studio use, they're the wrong tool for the job.

Cheers! :)
Thanks for the input guys! I think I'm going to pass on this reel to reel; already have the Akai 4000ds that is in great condition that I mix down to. Hopefully I'll run into a multitracking machine for a resonable price sometime