Line6 amps


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Can anyone tell me how the sound from the Line6 amps compare to the sounds from the POD bean.

Basically, I'm wondering if I'm better off getting a POD and separate amp (of my choice) or simply go for a Line6 amp.

I have an AX2 and a POD and a J Station as well. If I'm in a hurry and just laying down scratch guitar, I'll use to POD or J Station. If it's going to be a keeper, I put a mic on the AX2.
The J Station sounds pretty good
The POD sounds better (IMHO)
An Amp, though, with real speakers moving air just always sounds better to me.
Don't go the POD + amp route.

The POD models what happens to a signal after going through amp and speakers to a mic... if you run that dignal back through an amp it sounds pretty dull. You can use it for its effects but there are many better effects boxes available for less money.

It's really only useful for recording. One caveat-- if you were to play it through the PA, which should be clean and high fidelity, it might be OK.
i was in the music store the other day, actually looking to get a line6 POD, the guy showed me something else that changed my mind, it was the Digitech GeNetX1 processor, its incredible, costs the same, but you can step on it, not like the POD and it has an expression pedal too. if you havent decided, its worth trying out.
I heard the 2x12 combo and it wasnt too bad. You might get more flexibility with the combination of another amp and a pod. On the other hand they might have the amp emulation tuned better on their own combos.

You can also just run a POD thru a good power amp and PA speaker and get some good tones.

Alchuck - you can turn off the mic/speaker emulation and just get the amp sound you want.
I ran my POD through a stereo tube power amp into a 4x12 guitar cab for 2 years. If you turn off speaker emulation on all your presets, the POD functions like the preamp section of whatever amp you are using, and it sounds great. My only concern about live POD use was that the delay when switching presets live was noticeable. I got around this by using the floorboard's volume pedal (set it up pre-tube gain in Sounddiver) to control the amount of distortion on a patch, so I could quickly and easily control the distortion level without radically changing my playing volume, and without switching patches.

If I was going to buy a Line6 amp today, it would be the Vetta, that thing is incredible, and really leaves all the other Line6 gear way behind. You can also play it with the speakers turned off and use it as a silent recording front end.
I tried that, turning off the A.I.R, as they call it, and putting it into my amp, but it didn't impress me very much. Then, I didn't really give it a fair chance either.
Pod To Amps

I've been running a Pod into a Polytone for mic'd recording and have been very happy with the results. The Polytone is a clean and quiet amp. A tube amp might behave differently.
I put the POD into my Fender Solid State, but I put it into the effects loop, so I bypass more influence from the amp itself. I also leave the AIR on! Why? Because iit just sounds better on my amp with the AIR on than with the AIR off.
Turning off the AIR switch it NOT the same as actually setting each preset with "no cabinet emulation." You need a POD 2.0, or a normal Pod with SoundDiver to do this. Believe me, it is completely different.
I just checked out the spider 1x12 and thought it was great. 50 watt 1x12. Not loud enough for big gigs but a great club style combo.
Unfortunately for you, even though YOU thought the Line6 amp sounded good, the highly esteemed and preeminent authority on what sounds good, FZmontanaDF, said
Line 6 amps sound like crap.
Therefore, even though you may think they sound good, you are wrong, they sound like crap.
I think the line 6 stuff sounds fair but iv'e heard and witnessed problems with quality in both the pods and the amps. Sometimes they just breakdown for no reason.

I'd go for a Cyber Twin

good luck
"Sometimes they just break down for no reason?"

I doubt that. In fact, I'm sure there's a reason any time they break down. I have a Pod (original), a Bass Pod, a Distortion Modeler, and a Floorboard, and I have yet to have any of them "break down"... especially without a reason.

Admittedly, I am only one person, and this is only my experience.

But so are you.
Of course there is some reason Charger. Everything that breaks down has a reason. My point is the thing shouldn't stop working 2 days out of the box. Anyway, I don't want to get in any argument over quality control at the Line 6 plant. I'm sure that they put out some good products. They just won't get any $$ out of me.

Like I said, get a CyberTwin
POD and Spider amp are virtually the same! But the difference will come in what speaker etc u are puttin the POD through compared to the Spider!