Line 6 UX8!!??


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I bought the UX8 A few days ago and I really like the Sound of the Pres.I am using it as a Preamp using my laptop,(Dell Inspiron 1525 Windows Vista Home Basic/Intel Pentium Dual Core @ 1.86 GHz 1.87 gHZ With 2.00 GB RAM )
my Main interface is the Motu 828 MKII.I was recording vocal tracks today and wile recording the sound is interrupted for a saecond (even with the Smallest Buffer Size).I have been Having Trouble recording my client because the Phrases were not being accomplished.When Finally Happened The Sound was cut off Again,Making me loose a Good Take.That was frustrating.

Does any one know how to fix this Problem?? If i can't Fix this issue i will throw it from the Window!
Are you using a different computer to run the gearbox software than the MOTU...both can be very taxing on a single computer...I wouldnt use it without at least a 2.8Ghz with 2GB ram.

I run mine into a tascam 2488 neo and just run the gearbox software so it doesnt use too much resouces...never had a problem that way.
Are you using a different computer to run the gearbox software than the MOTU...both can be very taxing on a single computer...I wouldnt use it without at least a 2.8Ghz with 2GB ram.

I run mine into a tascam 2488 neo and just run the gearbox software so it doesnt use too much resouces...never had a problem that way.

Yes, i run the MOTU and cubase SX3 With my PC and the Gearbox with the laptop
Sounds like you need to clock both sources to the same master... what's your transport method, SPDIF?
The UX8 has 8 analog outs so it can be used like a stand alone preamp...Ive been thinking that he has been going into the analog ins on the MOTU.

Might be an improvement if the laptop was defragmented and free of anything that might be slowing it down while using gearbox...get rid of Maleware...disable antivirus...take off MSN messenger...internet...etc.

You might have something in the background running...and if it is a laptop like mine its the internet computer.

Since Ive only used mine with a 3.2 Ghz desktop Im not sure if the 1.8 meets the suggested requirements...I always try to double the minimum or suggested specs.
I tried with the Buffer Size at the Maximum Size and good,no noises but a loooot of latency,It sounds like i am in the Space.
You're laptop can't handle Gearbox... I'd try swapping applications on computers, or even moving gearbox onto the desktop along with the MOTU and check performance...
As long as you can do it with 2 computers Id go that should get better results with the UX8 alone...the converters (same as Apogee) are higher grade than the MOTU and we all know the pre's are alot better...but running 2 will tax the DAW alot less if it isnt doing modeling and running the DAW at the same time...they should design them with built in gearbox software like the new POD is...they might have an 8 soon like that one.
Most line 6 stuff has major incompatability issues with a surprisingly large number of intel chipsets, I had similair problems with the UX1 and 2, solution a hammer.

By the way, to find out about these incompatabilities you almost have to hack their web site. :)

From memory, their stuff will never run properly with 815 or 828 chipsets, check that though, my memory could be off on the exact chipsets. :)
The biggest drawback is probably the so called "dual core" chips Intel uses. These are a small step up from the P4's with hyper threading.

Now a Core2duo should be able to handle it. And maxing out your ram wouldn't hurt, also are you recording to an external drive? If not, you should put a 7200 rpm drive into your notebook