limited needs DAW??


New member
I am very limited on what i need for a DAW, i don't need ANY sort of music production tools, such as synths and samplers and the like, i only need to be able to do tracking, mixing and post production. Right now i use Sonar PE7, but am switching to a Mac, prolly an iMac, and am ditching windows altogether. My M-Audio Fast Track Pro already seems to run better in Mac OS X environment, so i may just keep that. So i haven't found a DAW that would suit my limited needs and still be a good piece of software. I thought that Nuendo was sounding like the perfect match for me until i saw the price tag. Other than that, I have found the rest to be all about the same. They all include the entire spectrum, including the synths and drum machines, etc.
Any suggestions based on these needs??, thanks in advance
I thought that Nuendo was sounding like the perfect match for me until i saw the price tag.

Nuendo is basically just Cubase with a bunch of multimedia functionality you won't need added to it. If Nuendo sounds like a perfect match, try Cubase, it's much cheaper.

Aside from that, check out Reaper. As far as I'm aware there's a mac version available, and it costs way less most DAW software at $60. In fact you can download it for free with an unlimited trial. Just if you're going to use it a lot, it would probably be the right thing to do to front up the $60 for it.
I'll second Reaper. It's pretty simple to use, especially if you don't need to get too far in depth. Plus, like legionserial's dirt cheap.
I'll second Reaper. It's pretty simple to use, especially if you don't need to get too far in depth. Plus, like legionserial's dirt cheap.

i've heard that mentioned, i thought it was only PC, i'll look into it, the price though makes me a little wary, how good could it really be?? It's not that I don't need good quality, it's just certain features like the music creation I don't need, but if there is a trial version, i may check that out.

It seemed to me that Nuendo was Cubase with more focus on post production and minus the music creation aspect, that was my impresssion, i could be wrong, either way the price is too high.

Adobe Audition was looking like a real winner until i seen it was PC only, what the FQ@(.

Hows about Digital Performer??

It's looking like they are all gonna have the entire "all in one" aspect to them
i've heard that mentioned, i thought it was only PC, i'll look into it, the price though makes me a little wary, how good could it really be?? It's not that I don't need good quality, it's just certain features like the music creation I don't need, but if there is a trial version, i may check that out.

I've not used it, but a lot of people here do and they rate it very, very highly. Hearing some of the work people have produced from it, I can't imagine it's that limited.

It seemed to me that Nuendo was Cubase with more focus on post production and minus the music creation aspect, that was my impresssion, i could be wrong, either way the price is too high.

Nuendo's extra functionality basically covers a lot of stuff related to video and movie production. I've used it before, and I'm a Cubase user. In comparison it's definitely not minus anything, and doesn't seem to have anything for music production that Cubase doesn't have. I certainly didn't feel limited by it. The extra functionality would most likely be useless to you.