Lightning mp3

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I tried to upload on lightning and keep getting this...The file you attempted to upload is not recognized as an mp3 file
Please upload only mp3 files. Type attempted: binary/octet-stream
I tried to upload on lightning and keep getting this...The file you attempted to upload is not recognized as an mp3 file
Please upload only mp3 files. Type attempted: binary/octet-stream

Are you using Firefox?

I tried before and got the same message, I gave up at that time and used my own web hosting but later noticed in another thread that there was a bug using it with Firefox? (If I recall correctly.)

I'd try again using Internet Explorer, if you're not already using it. Usually, if I have a problem with a web site I'll switch browsers as my first troubleshooting step.

Thanks for the tip MW..I do use Firefox.:) But seems when I use Internet browser I get a lot of crashes and crap.

I got it up on Soundclick finally...but had to take the low birate road..:eek:

Im gonna lock this up now...later
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