Lift with a different mix

Toki987 said:
Jagular: Glad you liked it man. It was fun. I went budget conscious with the 24/96 for now. Rhonda ( wifey accountant) said if it gets more serious we`ll discuss the 1010.

Those damn accountants!!! :D:D
Hi Ken,

Like I said in the PM....nice ... just the perfect lift I needed on that particular day......comfort food for the soul! thanks!

Yeah, take some time tweaking this utilizing the above suggestions.....esp Alan's (aka- elephant ears)
.....always right on the money.

Awaiting another mix....PM &/or email me if you don't see me on the board for a stretch........gigs calm down in Nov & Jan-March.


(hey, My New Life Has Begun got airplay yesterday up here in MA as a tribute song for 9/ was also the 1 year anniversary of my dad's passing. The song was befitting for both. I trust that this tune comforted families of victims....I could feel my dad's warm smile & motivating presence. :cool:

peace toki

That would have definitely been fun to sing on! You know, I never got to do this, but I always wanted to sing with a bunch of girls. Well, yes, I did once actually, and it was really fun. I forgot about it for awhile. Sounds great toki-s-orry it took so long to get around to listening to.

I also like this mix better, though I wouldn't embarrass myself as to try to explain why.
