Lexicon MX200 Dual Reverb Effects Processor


New member
Do I want one or need one? How important is this piece of equipment? I have an opportunity to get one. I know of them by reputation but is it going to make that much of a difference considering reverb and chorus effects are built in to most oif the gear I have, including the Peavey XR1212 mixer...

It also claims a DBX compressor but I already have a DBX266XL compressor on the rack...

I can get it but do I want it?
Oh it's got some awesome features if thats what you need. But I have Sonar X1 with the Lexicon Pantheon VST, Guitar Rig 4 Pro with a great range of similar effects plus my guitar amps and PA all have reverb. Do I want another one? Maybe that's the wrong question. Given that reverb is available all over the place, does anyone use reverb that much that a specialised unit is going to make enough difference to justify buying one?
I would!

Best thing is the USB out. ;)

Yeah, but you want every piece of gear :) . If you have 400 mics, how much other gear do you have ?

I've also heard there is a pretty big difference between the 200 and 400, I'm thinking about getting a 400 in the near future.
I feel like its some kind of sickness - I get a new piece of gear and think I am going to be happy but then I look at the next piece of gear that I just gotta have... like I dont even want an Ultra-Harmonizer... but if one turned up at the right price...
Ive got one I have it hooked up USB and SPDIF basically working as a VST with no drain on the PC. It does loads more than reverb and has some really nice factory combo's.
Buy 2 :)
I'm running an Intel Core I7 on a Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R with a Focusrite Saffire PRO 24 DSP audio interface. I havent really noticed any drain on the computer - unless I happen to run iTunes first... then Sonar X1 stuffs up. When I run iTunes I have to reboot. Fortunately I dont run it that often, just to add music to the iPhone now and then.

But I could appreciate having the full power of the Lexicon as a plugin. Its not getting out of my head... I imagine it will be here before the month is out...
Yeah, but you want every piece of gear :) . If you have 400 mics, how much other gear do you have ?

I've also heard there is a pretty big difference between the 200 and 400, I'm thinking about getting a 400 in the near future.

Don't waste your money Just go for the gold and get an Eventide Eclipse Once I got this unit There was none other to compare.
It's just unbelievable.
They are held in high regard. I was looking at Eventide and yet I have seen Eventide and Lexicon on the same rack and wondered why