Levels problem.


New member
My current setup for recording is a sound craft folio spirit lite into an Irig hd then recorded and edited on Podium by Zynewave. My problem is that if I have my levels all more or less hitting 0db on the mixer they are way to loud on Podium for them to hit 0db on Podium or around that the levels on the mixer have to be almost not registering. I have the gain on my Irig hd all the way down so that's not the problem. It's almost like Podium is amplifying the sound. Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?

Irig looks like it's designed to take instrument level, which is the level coming out of a passive bass guitar, electric guitar or electro-acoustic guitar.
Your mixer will be outputting line level which is 'hotter' than instrument level. That's probably why you're overloading things.

Out of interest, why do you have the mixer in the path?
Thanks, I have a mixer because I record drums and I'm not too fussy about having seperate tracks/ I can't afford an interface that will take all the tracks.
Oh, I see.
In short, you've got the wrong tool for the job I'm afraid.
You'd need some kind of interface which will accept line level input.

You could try keeping the mixer levels well clear of zero and then pulling down the master fader so as not to clip the irig, but it's still far from ideal. There's more to it than just volume levels.