Letting it Go

Randy Yell

New member
I think it is time to put the recent animosity to bed.I know that I myself have come back harsher and more personally than what I consider proper and I am sorry to everyone for my display off bad temper.It has degenerated to a "taste great,less filling" arguement with absolutely nothing funny about it.I'm afraid that some damage has been done to our cyber-community but it is time to stop the bleeding and start treating everyone with the respect that everyone of us deserves.

You know Alan may be the casulty that everyone knows about but there has been a least one other person who was scared away from this forum by the cries of anti spam.I have a friend in town here that I had told about this mic forum and what a cool site this was.He registered and became a member at the same time that he recieved a SP C-3.Naturally,this being a mic forum and him getting a new mic,he decided to post about his reactions to his new mic.Needless to say he was treated very rudely and accused of being a Studio Projects plant.He has never posted here again.Here was a real person who was pretty jazzed about getting his first nice mic(like me,he also had a Mxl2001p)and to say his balloon was burst would be an understatement.

Let's just try to remember that there are real people with real feelings behind every post on your screen,let's try to treat everyone with the respect that we give our family,friends and associates in our real lives.Lets get back to discussing what we are here for,there is room in the world for diversity,let's make sure that there is room for it here on the forum.
You said it, brother!

"And in the end, the love you make is equal to the love you take."


Couldn't have said it better! I remember the post you are refering to Randy. I thought at the time that the treatment your friend got was totaly uncalled for and in extremely bad taste. I don't blame him for not coming back after being treated so rudely.

You have slammed the nail on the head and driven it home with one blow.

In the last couple days, I s'cused my way in here and asked prior permission to announce a piece of public knowledge in a forum where it could possibly do a great deal of good for a good many people, namely the fact that Stephen Paul was accepting inquiries for an intern/apprentice. (See "Correct Forum?" thread.)

Even though my usual credo is that it is almost always easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission, out of respect for the members here, and especially for Stephen Paul, I asked in my first post that a moderator or administrator grant permission for me to announce the item.

If there was any ambivalence in Recording Engineer's response to my request, well, geez, I guess I musta missed it. To me it appeared to be an endorsement that rang as clearly as the mikes I hope to own someday soon!

So I hopped on back up here to post the story.

Too late. Harvey Gerst blabbed before I got the permission or the pleasure. Actually, that he did was even more of a pleasure, since everybody here respects Harvey and knows his esteem of Stephen Paul and nobody here knows Robert Wall from Monty Hall.

Needless to say, when the self-appointed Spamsniffing Vigilates weighed in, and the Godfearing townsfolk who have had a bellyfull of Spamsniffers fired back, I felt like a horse tied to the hitching post at high noon while a gunfight developed behind my back -- I figured to get shot in the butt a time or 2 but there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it!

That was embarassing and uncomfortable enough. I can imagine how your friend with the C1 must have felt.

For the record: I hate Spam. You can fry it, teriyaki it, bury it in pineapple, cut it up and make hash with it or bathe it in Tabasco, it doesnt matter -- the stuff sucks. This comes from a poor kid who grew up in the 50s and 60s, OK? There were times when the old man was between framing jobs, he would take his last $20 and fill his truckbed with cases of it. And pork 'n beans. When you eat that stinking stuff as much as I did, you can't hide it, you can't disguise it, and you sure as shootin' ain't gonna make me like it. More years than I want to count and I still can't look a pork 'n bean in the face. I developed a Spam intolerance. Could detect the smell at 1000 yards. Upwind. If you had Spam in you at any time in the last 2 weeks I could tell by your farts. I could tell by the sound of your farts.

So, conceptually at least, I can sign up for the idea of Spamdar. But it would seem to me that the vast majority of the folks runnin' around in here with ropes and looking to lynch theyselves a Spammer are a bolt or 2 short on their Spamjammin' receiver kits, so to speak, as it were.

Tying into me after I got express written permission was my first clue. Accusing everybody who utters the words "Studio Projects" of being a shill is a dead giveaway: the local Spamdar is jes' plain broke. Kind of makes you wonder how much actual Spam these actual people actually ever actually ATE, doesn't it?

Frankly, Scarlett, in my opinionated opinion, I don't think some people would know a can of real Spam if it jumped up and bit 'em on the butt.

And those are the wrong people to be runnin' around with ropes and making good folks jumpy.

Anyway, thanks for moving the Spam squabble outta my thead.

But I want it to stay close to the action. Do you guys have Bumping Posses too?


PS: If you grind up some Spam, put in mayo, sweet pickle relish, chopped
Vidalia onion, salt and pepper, and spread it on some good sourdough toast?

Well, basically whatcha got is a pitiful waste of good sourdough....
Very nicely and VERY humorously put, RW. But, you shower us with way more imagery and intelligent word-play than we deserve. Since I have the luxury of anonymity, I have a slightly different approach:

Some of the chumps around here really need to get a grip. And a life.

Why do the pros who have been around get so agro? Because of disrespectful chumps like you. You think you have all of the answers, and don't even realize that you've only scratched the surface. Would you talk to them that way if you bumped into them in the hallway at a world-class studio? Think about it.

Sorry to break it to you, but this is not a RPG. Experience points are REAL. Not just a number that appears next to your character's name. Figure it out.

Keep it up, and soon enough you'll have what you want. All of the real pros will be gone, and you can be the king of the world. And then you guys can make up all the conspiracy theories you want and no one will question your paranoia. Get real or get lost.
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when someone buys a gibson les paul and is bubbling over with enthusiasm about it they can make a post and all the replies are positive. the same if they buy a new strat. one can buy a new korg d1600 or akai recorder, a new RNC, or a neve channel strip and make a post.....they get nothing but "congrats" and "how do you like it?"

but the poor unknowing newbie that buys any piece of studio projects equipment and makes a post get his ass ripped up one side and down the other, acussed of being a plant, and he is basically damned to hell for being a spamer.

and its the SAME PEOPLE ALL THE TIME DOING THE ATTACKING. They bitch about recording engineer not doing his job as a moderator. thats funny, cause if I was the moderator I woiuld ban THIER asses.....for being trouble makers and turning good threads into mudslinging name calling wastes of everyone's time.
"and its the SAME PEOPLE ALL THE TIME DOING THE ATTACKING. They bitch about recording engineer not doing his job as a moderator. thats funny, cause if I was the moderator I woiuld ban THIER asses.....for being trouble makers and turning good threads into mudslinging name calling wastes of everyone's time."

Absolutely. I hope a mod is reading this now and carefully considers the next step, because this nonsense has to stop. Someone has to make a decision on what kind of atomosphere will reign here.
This is beginning to sound like the French Revolution.

I think it's clear a majority of us are AGAINST the spam police. But let's not send them to the guillotine, okay?

Instead, let's be a bit more openminded - on BOTH sides of the aisle.

In the meantime, why don't we start a new thread asking Alan - and anyone else driven away by the S.P. (Spam Police) to come on back.

QUOTE:.........."why don't we start a new thread asking Alan - and anyone else driven away by the S.P. (Spam Police) to come on back."

Nice idea Fab, but the cynic in me says that it would be a waste of time while ever these people are allowed to continue their harassment unchecked...............toorglick summed it up pretty well.........

This is a forum for people to share ideas and comments--why is that so difficult to achieve in the vein of civility? Some of us may have more epxerience than others, but I welcome the opportunity to talk with anyone who shares this same passion with me-- experience not required.
At 2.30 am, I'm just about posted out for the night:)

BTW, FWIW I have done my bit away from the forums about this issue.

I did my bit, too. I just ordered my new C1 from 8th Street. $229/with free shipping. Can't wait...........................

Waiting For The Brown Truck
I really wouldn't want to see anyone forced to leave but I agree that things can't go on the way they have been.

What about if members have a problem with another member or his/her post,that they take it up directly with the moderator if they think that it's serious enough to do so without confronting that person either in private or in a open forum?Man,I know if I was Alan it would drive me nuts to always have to be put on the defensive mostly for no reason.If a person repeatedly contacted the moderator for no good reason then maybe the moderator could deal with that.I hate to put everything on RE but I can understand how Alan feels and it isn't right for him or anyone else to be constantly put in that position.I don't like the idea of banning anyone though.

If we can just learn to treat each other with respect this will be a non-issue.I ain't saying that people shouldn't take action if they think a problem exist only to keep it off the boards and discuss the matter with the powers that be without accussing anyone either publicly or privately.Let's just ALL play nice.

octoruss said:
This is a forum for people to share ideas and comments--why is that so difficult to achieve in the vein of civility? Some of us may have more epxerience than others, but I welcome the opportunity to talk with anyone who shares this same passion with me-- experience not required.

That is how it should be!

Another post on this topic (in another thread) mentioned Fletcher from Mercenary Audio (who has a forum at ProSoundWeb) as being someone who doesn't suffer fools lightly. But I've read his forum... when newbies show up asking what some here would consider "stupid questions", even about low-end gear, he answers them. Civilly, too!

Half the thing is that a newbie (include myself) may not know what a stupid question is... Ask someone who's never recorded about EQ, and you'll get a blank stare-- maybe an "is that like a tone knob?" if they're really smart. :) So why is it so unforgiveable for folks to ask "how do I EQ X to sound like Y?" when they don't yet know that EQ is not the magic wand it seems to be at first? :)

And snideness? I had a tiny lil spat with someone (I forget who) about compression. I told someone to EQ those woofy, unruly and unneeded lows out of their distorted guitar before compressing. I had tried compressing before cutting lows out of dist. axe and the results were terrible. I said as much-- the results WERE terrible. The other person chimed in "so every mixer company is doing it wrong because the inserts are post-EQ?" As if a console design should dictate everything. As if noone has ever modded their console wiring. As if no console has aux sends that are pre-EQ. As if the track would have sounded GOOD if it was compressed first!
As if you should add yeast after the bread is baked, because that's how Mackie does it.

Sorry to rant, but I've been somewhat surprised at how this BBS went from really cool two months ago to an acrimonious anti-spam spamfest.

R. Wall: You're so right about Spam... That stuff is SO nasty.

Buffalo Bob: Congrats on the new C1! I hope ya like it.... you Studio Projects plant!!! :D :) :D

(I'm getting an SP mic myself soon too... SHHH don't tell anyone...) ;)
"Congrats on the new C1! I hope ya like it.... you Studio Projects plant!!! "

Damn.......foiled again! Don't tell Gidge!

Where's that Brown Truck???!!!