Let's Go Brandon!

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Mick Doobie

Episode forty leven hundred in the Insanity Chronicles.

Background: Somewhat recently at events where large numbers of people have gathered, perhaps first at college football games, for reasons I can't imagine people have began to chant in unison, "Fuck Joe Biden". It kind of caught on and it began to be heard more and more at various events. Brandon Brown is a Nascar Driver, stock car racing. He recently won his first race. Following the win he was being interviewed by some female from one of the major TV networks. In the background you could clearly hear the crowd chanting, "Fuck Joe Biden". However, to deflect, the interviewer misquotes the crowd, ain't it great the crowd is chanting, she says, "Let's Go Brandon." She even momentarily pauses the interview so viewers can hear the chant. "Let's Go Brandon", she says. It's quite comical, ymmv. It would probably have been best if she had ignored the chants because now "Let's Go Brandon" has become another way of saying "Fuck Joe Biden". It has become so popular that it has drifted northward across the border into Canadia.

The insanity? Reportedly, government employees in Canadia have been put on notice, use of the phrase "Let's Go Brandon" is grounds for dismissal. In part, the notice reads, "the use of the wording ‘Let’s Go Brandon” and any variation thereof under any circumstances is banned.....Violation of this policy will be grounds for immediate dismissal without recourse or labour union representation.” That's just crazy talk, I thought The Left was fond of union representation to protect workers? Banned "under any circumstance" the notice says, zero tolerance. That's fricking insane. Wait, can you say "fricking", 'cause we all know what that really means? Wow. Whoever it was that was saying there is a current rising tide of Fascism, I apologize for doubting you.

The Left is fucking insane. :facepalm:

Joe Biden, "elected" President of the United States of America by receiving the most votes than any candidate in the history of the country.

Uh, yeah, right. :laughings:

The fragility of the left, suppression of individual thought and expression, "cancel culture", can't take a joke, book burners. Defenders and promoters of deviancy. Fucking fascists.
Please go fuck yourself

Where'd he go? A man(pardon possible inaccuracy in the assumption) of few words, I reckon.

So I take it you support suppression of individual thought & expression, "cancel culture", humorless twattyness, book burning, defending & promoting deviancy? Fascism? No? Yes? How about union representation to protect the rights of workers? Surely?
Episode forty leven hundred in the Insanity Chronicles.

Background: Somewhat recently at events where large numbers of people have gathered, perhaps first at college football games, for reasons I can't imagine people have began to chant in unison, "Fuck Joe Biden". It kind of caught on and it began to be heard more and more at various events. Brandon Brown is a Nascar Driver, stock car racing. He recently won his first race. Following the win he was being interviewed by some female from one of the major TV networks. In the background you could clearly hear the crowd chanting, "Fuck Joe Biden". However, to deflect, the interviewer misquotes the crowd, ain't it great the crowd is chanting, she says, "Let's Go Brandon." She even momentarily pauses the interview so viewers can hear the chant. "Let's Go Brandon", she says. It's quite comical, ymmv. It would probably have been best if she had ignored the chants because now "Let's Go Brandon" has become another way of saying "Fuck Joe Biden". It has become so popular that it has drifted northward across the border into Canadia.

The insanity? Reportedly, government employees in Canadia have been put on notice, use of the phrase "Let's Go Brandon" is grounds for dismissal. In part, the notice reads, "the use of the wording ‘Let’s Go Brandon” and any variation thereof under any circumstances is banned.....Violation of this policy will be grounds for immediate dismissal without recourse or labour union representation.” That's just crazy talk, I thought The Left was fond of union representation to protect workers? Banned "under any circumstance" the notice says, zero tolerance. That's fricking insane. Wait, can you say "fricking", 'cause we all know what that really means? Wow. Whoever it was that was saying there is a current rising tide of Fascism, I apologize for doubting you.

The Left is fucking insane. :facepalm:

Hey Mickie, Here's the new national anthem to unify the country in time for football season. Where would we be today without the Clintons, I tell ya.

Please go fuck yourself

That's quite an assumption you're making there, fella. Who says i'm even sexually attracted to myself? I mean, yesterday, sure. Today? That's for me to know and me to find out, thank you very much.

Fluidity, it's a thing. Fascist. :cursing:
Apologies for spamming the board. Topic got sidetracked by a troll idiot with little to offer to address the fascism of governmental overstep in Canadia. Fascism.

Surely there is somebody who supports the rights of workers and union representation to protect those rights? Nobody? Dang.
This past Friday Joe Biden visited here in Hartford, CT. People lined the city streets carrying signs and chanting "Let's Go Brandon". I didn't know what that was all about.
Now I know that NASCAR has a huge fan base in CT.
As a none American (thank god because you are all nuts).........I can't wait until the next election and I hate politics. It's going to be amazing!!!!
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Surely there is somebody who supports the rights of workers...
When Covid hit there was nothing but accolades for "frontline and essential" workers who remained on the job regardless of risk. Police, firemen, doctors, and nurses to be specific.
I recall the signs that Joe and Jill planted on the White House lawn thanking those "frontline and essential" workers shortly after Joe and Jill took up residence in the "People's House".

And now, police men and women, firemen and women, doctors, and nurses are under threat of being fired from their jobs if they reject mandated vaccine inoculation.

School teachers don't appear to be pressured. Strong union? Or perhaps it's simply that public school teachers aren't essential.
This past Friday Joe Biden visited here in Hartford, CT. People lined the city streets carrying signs and chanting "Let's Go Brandon". I didn't know what that was all about.
Now I know that NASCAR has a huge fan base in CT.

Maybe. Maybe they're just not big fans of Brandon. Oops, I mean Joe fuckin' Biden.
As a none American (thank god because you are all nuts).........I can't wait until the next election and I hate politics. It's going to be amazing!!!!

I hear ya, Big O. But this is happening in Canadia, they're suppressin' and oppressin' the workers with the threat of dismissal from employment, and denying them union representation. That's just nuts! I know any minute the virtuous left is gonna fill this thread page after page defending those workers. Any minute!
Nobody? Okay, alright, I see how it is.

Just wait, any minute now IBB will be here to defend workers rights and union representation. Any minute.

People in Canadia should be able to say Fuck Joe Biden if they want, without the threat of losing their livelihood, and apparently there are a lot of people in Canadia who want to say Fuck Joe Biden. Did I say Fuck Joe Biden? Silly me, I meant to say Let's Go Brandon(psst, which is code for Fuck Joe Biden *wink wink say no more* ;)).
This just in!....Let's Go Brandon just hit #1 on iTunes Hip Hop chart.

Word has it alternative rapper Loza Alexander's surprise hit “Let’s Go Brandon” just shot to #1 on iTunes Hip Hop chart. Let's Go Brandon sits at #2 overall, just behind Adele and ahead of such heavy hitters as Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Elton John, and Justin Beebs. Wow, this whole Let's Go Brandon thing is really catching on! Just don't go singing/rapping the song at work, especially if you live in Canadia. They'll fire your ass, no questions asked.

I'm not going to link to the song, i'm not big on Rap. Apparently a whole lot of people are, #1 on the Hip Hop chart and #2 overall! Wow.

Oh, what the hell, why not. Surprising it is actually on Youtube, for now...given the fragility of the left, suppression of individual thought and expression, "cancel culture", can't take a joke, book burners, defenders & promoters of deviancy. Fucking fascists.

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Joe fuckin' Biden, most votes eva....bwahahaha

All the swing states had to stop counting at the same time, late at night, while the rest of the country kept right on counting.
It was a computer glitch, I tell ya... Those 'minion voting machines, ya know.

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