Left only on line in


New member
i have check all the audio property things in my volume control and all that and the line in is set to the middle but as i play i only hear it on the left side....i made sure the 1/4 connector is in all the way .......what could the problem be? as always

thanks in advance
The line-in connection is a stereo input. If you are connecting a mono source (or mono plug) into it, you will only record on the left channel.
Well, you still didn't tell us what you are recording and how.

However, assuming you are plugging a mono plug into the stereo jack on your sound card, you could always get a mono to stereo adapter. Understand, of course, that won't be "true" stereo. You will just record the exact same thing in both your left channel and right channel.

The proper thing to do is to record it as a mono source. Then you should hear it in both ears.
Yeah, one usually records the sources in mono and uses panning during the mixing process to place the instruments in the stereo sound stage. Stereo recording is often done when trying to capture the sound of a real, good-sounding acoustic space, but it's much more difficult and sophisticated to record that way.

There is no point in recording two copies of the same data on both the left and right side. It will come out in the middle, but it sound identical to a mono source panned to the center, and take up twice as much space on the hard drive. And, if you do want to pan it to adjust its place in the stereo image, you'll have all kinds of troubles.